Hicks, Kevin | |
Johnston, David | |
Moreau, Robert | |
McAloon, Andrew | |
Ramirez, Edna | |
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 5/25/2006 Publication Date: 6/2/2006 Citation: Hicks, K.B., Johnston, D., Moreau, R.A., Mcaloon, A.J., Ramirez, E.C., Singh, V. 2006. Corn wet fractionation prior to fermentation for recovery of valuable co-products. Proceedings of the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference, June 5-7, 2006 in Dallas, Texas. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Over the last 10 years, research has led to innovations in wet fractionation processes that can be used prior to fermentation of corn to improve the fuel ethanol process. From the initial "Quick Germ" to the current "E-Mill" process, yields of ethanol and quality and value of coproducts have increased. Today's state of the art E-Mill process yields ~2.6 gal/bushel of ethanol, ~8% yield (db) of wet-mill-quality germ for corn oil production, ~13% yield of purified fiber, and ~10% yield of ~58% protein DDGS. This compares favorably to the conventional dry grind process that produces similar quantities of ethanol but only one moderate value co-product, traditional DDGS with ~28% protein content. |