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Panella, Leonard |
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Hanson, Linda |
Submitted to: Germplasm Release
Publication Type: Germplasm Release Publication Acceptance Date: 7/28/2003 Publication Date: 2/4/2004 Citation: Panella, L.W., Hanson, L.E. 2004. Notice of release of fc710 (4x) tetraploid, multigerm sugar beet germplasm. Germplasm Release. Interpretive Summary: THIS IS A GERMPLASM RELEASE, NO INTERPRETIVE SUMMARY REQUIRED. Technical Abstract: FC710 (4X) (PI 633733) is tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36), multigerm (MM), non-O-type, pseudo-self-fertile, and has 29% green hypocotyls (93 plants counted). It is a colchicine doubled version of FC710, which was registered in 1991 and FC710 (4X) performs comparably to FC710. FC 710 was developed through two cycles of recurrent selection, with progeny tests for rhizoctonia root rot resistance and sucrose yield, and nine cycles of mass selection for rhizoctonia root rot. It is 42% from C817 (synthetic from GW 359), 28% from breeding lines resistant to cercospora leaf spot and black root (caused by Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechs.) and 30% from reciprocal hybrids between elite sugarbeet breeding lines and Beta vulgaris subspecies maritima accessions (i.e., approximately 15% Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima germplasm). This line has excellent resistance to root-rotting strains (AG-2-2) of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. It is also resistant to leaf spot caused by Cercospora beticola Sacc. The average value of three commercial varieties - Beta 6045, HM1955, Monohikari - was used as a standard for comparison. In percent sucrose, FC710 (4X) was 92.2% of the standard, and in sugar loss to molasses, FC710 (4X) was 118.2% of the standard. It is released as a tetraploid pollinator, or population from which to select tetraploid pollinators with resistance to rhizoctonia root rot and cercospora leaf spot. FC710 (4X) is released from seed production 20001022 and has also been tested as 971017. |