Submitted to: Phytopathology
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 3/1/2003 Publication Date: 6/1/2003 Citation: Copes, W.E. 2003. Dose curves of disinfestants applied to plant production surfaces for control of botrytis cinerea.. Phytopathology. 93:S17 Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Rates of the disinfectants, chloramine-T, hydrogen dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, quaternary ammonium (dimethyl benzyl and dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chlorides), and sodium hypochlorite, were sprayed on 2.25 to 4 cm2 pieces of polyethylene (ground fabric, solid disc), metal (galvanized, stainless steel), and pine (natural, pressure-treated, latex-painted) that had been inoculated 18 hrs earlier with a suspension of Botrytis cinerea conidia. Several hours after the disinfestants had dried, substrates were inverted and rubbed across 50% potato dextrose agar to dislodge conidia. The next day percent germination was counted for greater than 100 conidia. Lethal dose of the disinfestant resulting in 50 percent mortality (LD50) and slope of the dose curve were calculated by Probit analysis. Substrate affected disinfestant activity (LD50's). In general, LD50's were highest on natural and pressure-treated pine and lowest on latex-painted pine and stainless steel. Results show that the material being disinfested affects the rate of a disinfestant. |