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item Drake, Stephen

Submitted to: Journal of Food Preservation
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/23/2003
Publication Date: 1/15/2004
Citation: Drake, S.R., Elfving, D. 2004. Quality of packed and bin-stored 'd'Anjou' pears as influenced by storage atmosphere and temperature. Journal of Food Preservation. 27:141-152.

Interpretive Summary: 'd'Anjou' pears are normally packed into standard, 1-bushel boxes prior to being placed in long-term controlled-atmosphere (CA) storage conditions. CA storage of 'd'Anjou' pears as loose fruit in bins is not commonly practiced. The pear industry would like to store pears loose and pack on demand. Packed pears (Pyrus communis L. 'd'Anjou') were stored under four individual controlled atmosphere (CA) storage conditions: 1) 1.5% O2 and <1% CO2 at -1.5 deg C; 2)1.5% O2 and <1% CO2 at +1.5 deg C; 3) 1.5% O2 and 3.0% CO2 at -1.5 deg C or 4) 1.5% O2 and 3.0% CO2 at +1.5 deg C. Loose pears in bins were stored under three CA storage conditions: 1) 1.5% O2 and <1% CO2 at -1.5 deg C; 2) 1.5% O2 and 3% CO2 at -1.5 deg C or 3) 1.5% O2 and 3% CO2 at +1.5 deg C. For packed pears, increased CO2 in the storage atmosphere improved peel color retention, reduced firmness loss and improved subjective quality scores, particularly for finish and stem condition. Pears stored loose in bins in atmospheres containing 3% CO2 had better firmness retention, reduced scald and greatly improved subjective quality scores for appearance, finish and scuffing compared to pears stored loose at <1% CO2 prior to packing in January. Using 3% CO2 in the CA atmosphere allows 'd'Anjou' pears to be stored loose in bins and packed after storage in late January with little or no quality losses compared to the standard prepacking followed by 1% CO2 CA storage program.

Technical Abstract: Packed pears (Pyrus communis L. 'd'Anjou') were stored under four individual controlled atmosphere (CA) storage conditions: 1) 1.5% O2 and <1% CO2 at -1.5% deg C; 2) 1.5% O2 and <1% CO2 at +1.5 deg C; 3) 1.5% O2 and 3.0% CO2 at -1.5% C or 4) 1.5% O2 and 3.0% CO2 at +1.5 deg C. Loose pears in bins were stored under three CA storage conditions: 1) 1.5% O2 and <1% CO2 at -1.5 deg C; 2) 1.5% O2 and 3% CO2 at -1.5% deg C or 3) 1.5% O2 and 3% CO2 at +1.5 deg C. For packed pears, increased CO2 in the storage atmosphere improved peel color retention, reduced firmness loss and improved subjective quality scores, particularly for finish and stem condition. Pears stored loose in bins in atmospheres containing 3% CO2 had better firmness retention, reduced scald and greatly improved subjective quality scores for appearance, finish and scuffing compared to pears stored loose at <1% CO2 prior to packing in January. Using 3% CO2 in the CA atmosphere allows 'd'Anjou' pears to be stored loose in bins and packed after storage in late January with little or no quality losses compared to the standard CA storage program of prepacking followed by storage in 1% CO2.