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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Corvallis, Oregon » Horticultural Crops Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #107194


item Mahaffee, Walter

Submitted to: Plant Propagators Society Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/1/2000
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: This paper reports on how to design an integrated disease management system for Botrytis diseases.

Technical Abstract: Diseases caused by species of Botrytis are probably the most frequent and widely distributed diseases of nursery plants, with B. cinerea being the most common. Diseases caused by B. cinerea are also some of the most difficult diseases to control due the pathogen's prolific asexual reproduction, ability to survive as a saprophyte, and the continuous susceptibility of plants to infection. Numerous factors can predispose plants to infection by Botrytis, the most important being senescent tissue and wounds. A single measure is not going to give effective control of Botrytis diseases during plant propagation. The control of plant diseases is entering a new era. We are no longer looking at each production problem as an isolated entity, but realizing that every management decision influences whether disease will develop and which control measures should be implemented. In essence, growers are becoming ecosystem managers. When using this approach we must remain awar of the most basic concept of ecology; a stable ecosystem is a diverse ecosystem where diversity implies that all components are interacting. Thus, when making disease management decisions we must think in terms of integrating multiple measures to create a stable control system. This includes the implementation of appropriate cultural practices along with judicious use of chemical and biological controls. The effective management of Botrytis diseases requires such an approach.