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Research Project: What Factors Impact Mite Outbreaks In Pear?

Location: Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research

Project Number: 2092-22430-003-047-T
Project Type: Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jul 1, 2022
End Date: Jun 30, 2025

1) Identify management practices that affect pest mite and natural enemy populations 2) Identify which natural enemies are more frequently consuming pest mites 3) Determine if there is an association between spider mite and pear psylla abundance

We propose to conduct a two-year survey in the pear-growing regions of the Wenatchee Valley, Yakima Valley, and Hood River areas of ~30 orchards total. In each orchard, we will collect leaf, beat tray, and sticky card samples to quantify the abundance of spider mites, rust mites, pear psylla, and any potential pest mite natural enemies. We will also measure the herbicide strip and quantify weediness levels. Collected natural enemies will be analyzed for the presence of pest mite DNA to determine which predators are doing the most biocontrol work. We will use this information, climate data, and information obtained from the grower (spray records, mowing frequency, dust issues, etc.) to model and identify factors that are associated with lower pest mite and higher natural enemy populations.