Location: Grain Legume Genetics Physiology Research
Project Number: 2090-21000-038-006-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Oct 15, 2021
End Date: Feb 28, 2026
The overall objective of this program is to continue and expand the national cover crop breeding team efforts to develop regionally adapted cover crop cultivars. Specifically, improve legume cover crop performance through selection for legume winter hardiness, fast growth rates, and high biomass. The cereal cover crop breeding program will develop high allelopathic potential cultivars. The breeding team of ARS and university scientists will build a network of farmers who will aid in variety selection through participatory germplasm screening, identify select cover crop accessions for seed increases and future improvement, and quantify how climate and soil drive optimal seed production. The extension component will include disseminating knowledge gained from on-farm and on-station cover crop germplasm screenings and management experiments and engage farmers and agricultural professionals through on-farm field days, regional workshops, webinars, and the
eOrganic website.
The collaborative team of ARS and university scientists will coordinate a national breeding program. This national breeding team will expand efforts to include improving cereal cover crop genetics. This target will include increasing allelopathy of cereal rye. Nurseries will be set up in North Carolina, New York, Maryland, and Wisconsin. There will be greater focus on insect damage to seed and genetic by environment interactions on seed production, and advanced line testing. Collaborations with seed companies will enable releasing new cultivars during the life of this grant. All of that material will be centralized in the national team database and seeds collected from selected lines will be distributed around the network for further evaluation.