Location: Office of International Research Engagement and Cooperation
Project Number: 0210-22310-007-028-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Apr 1, 2021
End Date: Jul 30, 2023
To provide technical consultancies to USAID within the framework of the USAID USDA Participating Agency Service Agreement (PASA).
Within the framework of its Participating Agency Service Agreement (PASA) with USAID, USDA/ARS provides USAID with technical assistance, training, and information in the areas of agricultural research, biotechnology, agricultural policy and technology transfer. USDA/ARS provides technical staff to assist USAID to carry out its technicial leadership, program management, and field support responsibilities, and to expand ties between international programs and potentional technical expertise and resources among the USDA/ARS agencies and associated land grant colleges.
CRDF Global will coordinate and support USDA/ARS in providing USAID with short-term technical staff, consultants and other service providers.