Location: Grain Legume Genetics Physiology Research
Project Number: 2090-21000-038-012-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2019
End Date: Jun 30, 2024
Develop and release new varieties and germplasm of peas, lentils, and chickpea that have higher yields, improved disease resistance and nutritional qualities than existing commercial varieties. Evaluate elite breeding lines and cultivars in yield trials conducted annually at several locations in Washington and Idaho.
Crosses will be made in the greenhouse and field among elite pea, lentil, and chickpea lines and varieties selected based on performance in preliminary and advanced yield trials for a range of agronomic traits including seed size and color, spring vigor, yield, and disease resistance. Promising pea, lentil, and chickpea breeding lines will be evaluated in preliminary replicated yield trials conducted at a single location (Pullman, WA). Advanced breeding lines will be evaluated at multiple locations in Idaho and Washington. Diseases, pests and weeds will be controlled using standard production practices. Field nurseries will be used to evaluate breeding lines and cultivars for several diseases including root rots caused by Aphanomyces and Fusarium and blight caused by Ascochyta. Besides yield and blight resistance, all plots will be evaluated for days to 50% flower, green plant height, mature plant height, and seed size (g/ 100 seeds). Appropriate statistical analysis will be conducted to determine if genotype, location, and genotype x location interaction effects on yield and other traits are significant. Breeder seed of promising pea, lentil, and chickpea breeding lines will be produced in the field (Pullman, WA). Results will be presented at national and regional meetings of scientists and industry representatives.