Location: Geospatial and Environmental Epidemiology Research Unit
Project Number: 6064-32000-001-008-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 15, 2024
End Date: Aug 14, 2028
To enhance ARS research in plant and animal epidemiology by funding the cooperator to operate conduct research realted to the detection tracking and prediction of animal disease.
In collaboration with ARS scientists in the GEERU and ARS Animal Health Program, MSU researchers will address critical knowledge gaps related to pathogenic disease transmission and agricultural production systems. This includes improving data pipelines, analytical approaches, and prediction capabilities for new and emerging disease problems in the agricultural sector and identifying mechanisms for outbreak prevention, intervention, and rapid response.
Project 1 aims to examine movement and interaction rates of white-tailed deer that are infected with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), then characterize the diversity and gene resistance associated with CWD prions, while evaluating potential mechanisms by which CWD may be transmitted by wild pigs, then ultimately develop a spatially predictive map of possible CWD spatial risk.