Location: Agroecosystem Management Research
Project Number: 3042-21660-001-012-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Jul 12, 2024
End Date: Jul 31, 2025
The USDA Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has been collaborating with the Esri business development team and solution engineers for several years to envision a centralized access point to host and share USDA national geospatial data assets (NGDA). The USDA-ARS's Partnerships for Data Innovations (PDI) has been a partner in developing these ESRI-based tools, including the development of a demonstration application called USDA GeoHub. The GeoHub was configured to showcase functional capabilities of Esri’s ArcGIS Hub technology. The objectives of this collaboration is to build off the demonstation hub site to build out a production-grade solution called the USDA Geospatial Data COmmunities Hub (GDC Hub).
The GDC Hub site will build off the GeoHub demo and serve as a foundation for integration with USDA's enterprise cloud infrastructure. The primary objective of this project is to support Open Government, Open Data, and Digital Government strategies, thereby enhancing transparency, collaboration, and participation. PDI will participate as a partner in the coordination with ESRI and OCIO-EGMO, as well as liaising with other USDA federal agencies that will contribute to both internal and publicly available geospatial asset resources which can be accessed by users from a single central location. The site will also include the setup of the open data catalog.