Location: National Peanut Research Laboratory
2021 Annual Report
1. Identify crop rotations, irrigation systems, plant populations, row orientations, and row spacings best adapted for sustainable peanut-based agriculture systems.
2. Develop and evaluate a new decision support system to improve sustainability of peanut-based agriculture systems.
The United States peanut industry generates approximately $4.4 billion annually in economic activity. Much of this activity is located in rural areas that are directly dependent on peanuts to sustain rural economies and foster rural economic development. Over the past decade, the peanut industry has been in a period of economic and technological adjustment driven by changes in peanut policy, increased cost of production, and repeated drought in the major peanut producing regions. The purpose of this project is to conduct farm systems research to identify crop management techniques that will conserve natural resources and offer new production and management techniques that will sustain peanuts and crops grown in rotation with peanuts. Objective 1 will focus on the management practices of drip irrigation systems with respect to crop rotation, plant population, row orientation, and row spacing for sustainable peanut-based agriculture systems. These management practices will enhance an existing database for Objective 2, which is to develop and evaluate a new decision support system to quantify and improve the economic viability and sustainability of peanut-based agriculture systems. Results will improve knowledge on irrigation system selection, crop rotations, row spacing, and plant population in peanut-based agricultural systems and provide a platform quantifying economic and sustainable impacts. End users include farmers, crop consultants, university extension personnel, bankers/lenders, policy makers, and others.
Progress Report
This is the third year of this project.
Objective 1 and 2: For FY2020, in early spring all fields were tilled and prepared according to the project plan. Crops were planted by ARS scientists at Dawson, Georgia in a timely manner with the various treatments selected for crop rotation, row pattern, and seeding rate. Fertility management followed best management practices. Other crop management techniques were applied at appropriate time and rates for herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides on each specific crop. All rainfall events were recorded electronically and manually to confirm rainfall events. All irrigation events were applied and recorded as dictated by the project plan. Crop phenology factors were collected in a timely manner. All crops were harvested at maturity and yield data factors were collected as required to determine crop value, water used efficiency, and value water use efficiency. Sustainable crop metrics (yield and phenology) were collected as described previously. The “on farm” trials with WholeFarm users were not accomplished due to Covid-19. Overall, crops were planted and harvested according to the project plan. Technology transfer was continued during FY2020 via virtual (95%) and in-person (5%) meetings for a total of 24 meetings.
1. Corn yield by row pattern, plant density, and irrigation system. Normal crops grown in Southeast USA are cotton, corn, and peanut with a focus on the higher economic value for peanut. Peanut is typically planted using a twin-row pattern and purchasing a twin-row planter may not be cost effective unless used with other rotational crops. The objectives were to compare corn yield when planted in twin-rows, with two plant densities, at multiple locations, and irrigated with drip and sprinkler systems. Corn was planted in single and twin-row patterns at normal and half normal seeding rate at multiple locations and cropping seasons. Irrigation systems consisted of subsurface drip (SSDI), shallow subsurface drip (S3DI) and overhead sprinkler. There was no consistent yield difference between single- or twin-row pattern at either seeding rate. Corn grain yield decreased as seeding rate decreased. The normal seeding rate had a 7% mortality rate while the half seeding rate had a 11% mortality rate at 30 days after planting. The normal seed rate had an 18 bu/ac yield increase over the half normal. Planting at half-normal (seed cost savings) with lower yields had the same economic value as planting at normal population with greater yields. The S3DI irrigation system had greater yield than either SSDI or sprinkler for both row pattern and seeding rate. There is no economic benefit for using less seed (half normal) or single- or twin-row pattern for corn. There was an economic benefit for using S3DI compared with the other irrigation systems tested. This information is valuable to growers showing a twin-row planter can be use with other crops without yield loss. This information indicates that purchasing both a twin-row (specifically for peanut) and a single-row planter (just for corn) is not needed which maximizes the use of one twin-row planter allowing the end user to be more economically efficient. This information also shows that S3DI may be a more economical irrigation system than SSDI from a future installation and yield perspective.
Review Publications
Butts, C.L., Sorensen, R.B., Lamb, M.C. 2020. Irrigator Pro: progression of a peanut irrigation scheduling decision support system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(5): 785-795. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.13909.
Lamb, M.C., Sorensen, R.B., Butts, C.L. 2020. Agronomic and Economic Effects of Irrigation and Rotation in Peanut-based Cropping Systems. Peanut Science. 47(3): 173–179. https://doi.org/10.3146/PS20-10.1.
Butts, C.L., Dean, L.L., Hendrix, K., Arias De Ares, R.S., Sorensen, R.B., Lamb, M.C. 2021. Hermetic storage of shelled peanut using the purdue improved crop storage bags. Peanut Science. 48(1):22-32. https://doi.org/10.3146/PS20-31.1.