Location: Cattle Fever Tick Research Unit
Project Number: 3094-32000-042-017-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2018
End Date: Apr 30, 2022
Complete two field studies investigating BM86/eprinomectin interaction in support of the cattle fever tick eradication program. A segment is being added which we anticipate will offer CFT researchers and the CFTEP new information on the ecological conditions that lead to the establishment of CFT larval refugia, which will lead to better tools for predicting areas in south Texas that have higher risk for the establishment of refuge CFT populations.
Determine if an interaction exists with the combination of a long acting eprinomectin injectable with anti-tick vaccination in support of its potential use in the USDA APHIS VS Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program. This project will consist of two field studies. Both will be in pastures located at the USDA ARS Cattle Fever Tick Research Laboratory in Edinburg, TX. The first field trial will involve tick-infested cattle with known amounts of tick larvae. A quarter of the animals will be treated at the label rate with long-acting eprinomectin injectable, another quarter will receive an anti-tick vaccination, a third quarter will receive both eprinomectin injectable and anti-tick vaccination. The remaining quarter will serve as untreated controls. Regular tick infestations will occur. Tick counts will be made weekly. Up to 10 engorged females will be collected from each animal and held in an incubator for fecundity and fertility determinations. The study will terminate when efficacy reaches below 90% for three consecutive days. The second field study cattle with an active field infestation of ticks. All animals will then be treated with a long-acting eprinomectin twice at monthly intervals and vaccinated with BM86 at day 0 and 28. Tick counts will be made weekly. The study will terminate when tick numbers rise to an average of 30 standard females per animal or 180 days post initial treatment. Throughout both studies blood will be collected from all animals at regular intervals. Serum will be sent to the collaborator for determination of eprinomectin concentration analysis. ELISA and immunology data will be analyzed by the collaborator.