Location: Plant Introduction Research
2021 Annual Report
1. Incorporation of genomic selection into maize breeding. Genomic prediction (genome wide selection) has been used for over a decade in the U.S. seed industry to speed cultivar development. The Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) breeding process has been based on traditional breeding methods, but genomic marker assisted breeding has not been employed. Through a collaboration with a seed industry cooperator, seed samples of 1,796 lines (representing 29 breeding populations) and associated yield trial evaluation data were submitted to a seed industry GEM Cooperator for genomic evaluation and prediction model building. Genomic prediction models for the breeding populations showed strong yield heritability (0.496) and good prediction accuracy (0.594). Heritability and prediction accuracy are lower than expected in elite modern U.S. germplasm, but are accurate enough to eliminate low yielding breeding lines prior to costly yield testing. Lines selected for advancement to yield trials will have higher average yield potential than the original population resulting in higher yielding lines for GEM release.