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Research Project: Research Partnerships to Strengthen Middle Eastern Cooperation:Irrigation Management Information System IMIS and Animal Health Research Gap Analysis

Location: Office of International Research Engagement and Cooperation

Project Number: 0210-22310-005-048-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 30, 2015
End Date: Sep 30, 2020

ARS will advance foster Israeli-Arab cooperation by implementing the Irrigation Management Information System (IMIS) project for efficient water use in the Middle East; and organizing a Middle East-focused animal health research gap analysis to foster research collaborations and technologies that can be transferred to partner countries to prevent, control, and eradicate emerging/re-emerging epizootic or potential zoonotic diseases. regional cooperation addressing regional priority areas, such as water conservation and emerging animal diseases in the Middle East.

The IMIS project will include Israeli, Palestinian, and Jordanian partners through continued implementation irrigation training and outreach to IMIS participant farmers. The project will continue to give the project partners the platform to share and analyze data, and study essential elements of irrigated agriculture which are pertinent to water conservation in the Middle East. The IMIS project includes an infrastructure and human capacity that requires regional cooperation and promotes regular interaction among the cooperating partners. The second component will plan, organize and implement a workshop that will provide Middle Eastern and North African participants the opportunity to conduct a gap analysis that will lead to research collaborations and technologies that can be transferred to partner countries to prevent, control, and eradicate emerging diseases with epizootic and/or zoonotic potential in participating countries. The IMIS project and the animal health workshop, will reinforce DOS/NEA goals by promoting regional cooperation addressing regional priority areas, such as water conservation and emerging animal diseases in the Middle East.