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Research Project: Postharvest Systems to Assess and Preserve Peanut Quality and Safety

Location: National Peanut Research Laboratory

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

Storing peanuts in grain bags Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Butts, C.L., Ward, J. 2022. Storing peanuts in grain bags. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(1):93-102.

Storing Shelled Peanuts in PICS Bags - (Abstract Only)

Building on our past to engineer the future Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Butts, C.L., Valentine, H. 2019. Building on our past to engineer the future. Peanut Science. 46(1A):82-90.

Unloading farmers’ stock warehouses with a peanut vac Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Butts, C.L., Sorensen, R.B., Lamb, M.C. 2018. Unloading farmers’ stock warehouses with a peanut vac. Peanut Science.

A Retrospective Look at Engineering Innovations in the Peanut Industry - (Abstract Only)
Butts, C.L. 2019. A Retrospective Look at Engineering Innovations in the Peanut Industry. Meeting Abstract. Pg.34.

Quality Changes During Long Term Farmers’ Stock Storage - (Abstract Only)
Butts, C.L., Dean, L.A., Hendrix, K., Sorensen, R.B., Lamb, M.C. 2019. Quality Changes During Long Term Farmers’ Stock Storage. Meeting Abstract. Pg.59.

Measurements of oleic acid among individual kernels harvested from test plots of purified runner and spanish high oleic seed - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Davis, J.P., Leek, J.M., Sweigert, D.S., Dang, P.M., Butts, C.L., Sorensen, R.B., Lamb, M.C. 2017. Measurements of oleic acid among individual kernels harvested from test plots of purified runner and spanish high oleic seed. Peanut Science. Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 134-142.

Alternative Storage Environments for Shelled Peanuts - (Peer Reviewed Journal)

Alternative storage environments for shelled peanuts - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Butts, C.L., Lamb, M.C., Sorensen, R.B., Powell, S., Cowart, D., Horm, K., Anthony, B., Bennett, J. 2017. Alternative storage environments for shelled peanuts. Peanut Science. No. 2, pp. 111-123.

Effect of pyrasulfotole carryover to peanut and tobacco - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grey, T.L., Diera, A., Moore, M.J., Rucker, K.S., Butts, C.L. 2017. Effect of pyrasulfotole carryover to peanut and tobacco. Weed Technology. 31(5) 651-657. doi:10.1017/wet.2017.52.

Development course of peanut harvest mechanization technology of the United States and enlightenment to China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gao, L., Chen, Z., Chen, C., Butts, C.L. 2017. Development course of peanut harvest mechanization technology of the United States and enlightenment to China. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 33(12):1-9. doi: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.001.

Unloading Farmers’ Stock Warehouses with a Peanut Vac - (Abstract Only)

Analysis on technology status and development of peanut harvest mechanization of China and the United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, Z., Gao, L., Chen, C., Butts, C.L. 2017. Analysis on technology status and development of peanut harvest mechanization of China and the United States. Transactions of the Chinese Agricultural Machinery. 2017(4):1-21.

An automated sample divider for farmers stock peanuts - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Butts, C.L., Sheppard, H.T., Lamb, M.C. 2017. An automated sample divider for farmers stock peanuts. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. doi:10.13031/aea.11798.

Alternative Storage Environments for Shelled Peanuts. - (Abstract Only)
Butts, C.L., Horn, K., Powell, S., Anthony, B., Bennett, J., Cowart, D., Lamb, M.C. 2016. Alternative Storage Environments for Shelled Peanuts.. 48th Proceedings American Peanut Research and Education Society Inc. Annual Meeting. Jul-12-14,2016. Clearwater Beach, FL. Vol 48, pg 44 Abstracts. URL:

Capacitance Sensors for Nondestructive Moisture Determination in Agricultural and Bio-fuel materials - (Abstract Only)
Kandala, C., Settaluri, V., Puppala, N. 2016. Capacitance Sensors for Nondestructive Moisture Determination in Agricultural and Bio-fuel materials. ASABE Annual International Meeting.

Storing Peanuts in Grain Bags - (Proceedings)
Butts, C.L., Ward, J.K. 2016. Storing Peanuts in Grain Bags. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE). doi:10.13031/ids.202456481.

Nondestructive Determination of Moisture Content in Dry Fruits by Impedance and Phase angle measurements - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kandala, C., Holser, R.A., Sundaram, J., Puppala, N. 2015. Nondestructive Determination of Moisture Content in Dry Fruits by Impedance and Phase angle measurements. Journal of Sensor Technology. 5:73-80.

Effect of curing time on moisture content and mechanical properties of peanut pods - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Meng, G., Baoquan, Z., Lianxing, G., Butts, C.L., Yongzhe, S., Zhixia, L. 2015. Effect of curing time on moisture content and mechanical properties of peanut pods. International Agricultural Engineering Journal. 2(2):1-8.

An Automated Sample Divider for Farmers Stock Peanuts Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Butts, C.L., Sheppard, H.T., Lamb, M.C. 2015. An Automated Sample Divider for Farmers Stock Peanuts. ASABE Annual International Meeting. New Orleans, LA, July 26-29, 2015. ASABE Paper No. 152188454. doi: 10.13031-aim.20152188454.


A Novel Method for Moisture Determination in Peanuts - (Peer Reviewed Journal)