Soil and Air
(NP #212)
Testing Alfalfa Leaf Protein Concentrate in Aquafeeds to Enhance Finfish Production and Water Quality
(Cooperative Agreement)
Increasing Alfalfa Productivity and Inclusion in Dairy Diets to Improve Milk Fat and Protein Yield
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems
(NP #215)
Expanding Resiliency and Utility of Alfalfa in Agroecosystems
(In-House Appropriated)
Testing Alfalfa Leaf Protein Concentrate in Aquafeeds to Enhance Finfish Production and Water Quality
(Cooperative Agreement)
Feeding the Future: Maximizing the Value of Alfalfa Protein by Evaluating the Market Potential of Waste Streams in Protein Extraction
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Institutional Biological Safety Committee (IBC) Agreement - University of Minnesota
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Drought Shapes the Dryland Root Metabolome and Microbiome to Protect Against Biotic and Abiotic Stress
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Managing Alfalfa for Climate Smart Agriculture
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Northern Exposure: Adaptation of Alfalfa for Challenging Winter Climates
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
PARTNERSHIP: Decision Support Tool for Precision Management of Alfalfa for Yield and Quality Improvement
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Screening Alfalfa Cultivars for Value-Added Biochemical Characteristics
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Analysis of Data From the Hard Red Spring Wheat Varieties Grown in Cooperative Plot and Nursery Experiments for Yield and Other Agronomic Traits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Annotation and Analysis of the Alfalfa Genome
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Digestibility of Alfalfa Stem Segments
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Winter Survival and Forage Yield in Alfalfa
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Best Management Practices for Manure Application into Alfalfa to Optimize Yield and Environmental Outcomes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Methane Reduction Potential and Forage Quality on Conventional and Low-lignin Variants of Alfalfa and Corn Silage
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Increasing Alfalfa Productivity and Inclusion in Dairy Diets to Improve Milk Fat and Protein Yield
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement
(NP #301)
Gene Discovery and Trait Improvement in Soybean, Alfalfa, and Other Legumes by Gene Editing
(In-House Appropriated)
Improved Stress Tolerance in Wheat and Oat Empowered by Integrated Genomics
(In-House Appropriated)
Testing Alfalfa Leaf Protein Concentrate in Aquafeeds to Enhance Finfish Production and Water Quality
(Cooperative Agreement)
Gene Editing of Lentils
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Identification and Management of Diseases in Wild Rice Infecting Wheat and Oat
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Increasing Alfalfa Productivity and Inclusion in Dairy Diets to Improve Milk Fat and Protein Yield
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Research on Stem Rust of Oat and Bacterial Leaf Streak of Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Transformation and Gene Editing of Soybean, Lentil and Common Bean for Traits Enhancing Agronomic Value
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)