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Matthew Rinella
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Dr. Matthew J. Rinella


Rangeland Management Specialist


243 Fort Keogh Road
Miles City, MT 59301-4016
Phone: (406) 874-8232
Fax: (406) 874-8289


Biographical Information:

Dr. Matt Rinella studies plant community dynamics in rangelands that have been invaded and are under threat of invasion by non-indigenous invasive plants.  His three research goals are to: 1) Improve invasive plant management by helping managers predict the response of invaded communities to grazing, biological control, seeding, herbicides, and other management strategies.  2)  Identify land management strategies that prevent new plant invasions.  3) Identify which habitat types are susceptible to invasion by particular invasive plant species.  Matt relies on manipulative and non-manipulative field experiments and quantitative modeling techniques to accomplish these goals.





Fort Keogh Publications
(go here for downloadable .pdf files)



Educational Background:

  • B.S. Crop and Soil Science.  1995. Michigan State University
  • M.S. Weed Science.  1998.  Michigan State University
  • Ph.D.  Community Ecology.  2003.  Montana State University

Current Research Projects:

  • Relationships between habitat productivity, competition intensity. and population growth rates.
  • Evaluate the influence of nitrogen and water on competition between grasses and leafy spurge and grasses and spotted knapweed.
  • Evaluate the influence of nitrogen and water on population growth rates of leafy spurge, spotted knapweed and grasses.
  • Test the hypothesis that per-unit biomass competitive effects do not vary substantially by species in rangelands.
  • Relationships between environmental and biological variables and invasive plant abundances.
  • Evaluate the influence of soil and plant variables on the abundance of spotted knapweed.
  • Alter soil and plant variables and determine whether or not spotted knapweed responds to these alterations in a predictable manner.


USDA, ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory
243 Fort Keogh Rd.
Miles City, MT 59301-4016
Phone: 406-874-8200, Fax:  406-874-8289