Zachary Simpson
Sustainable Water Management Research
Research Hydrologist
Phone: (662) 686-5399
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Inclusion of green manures enhances crop biomass, nutrient uptake, soil phosphorus dynamics and bioavailability
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nguyen, P.V., Mcdowell, R.W., Simpson, Z.P., Condron, L.M. 2024. Inclusion of green manures enhances crop biomass, nutrient uptake, soil phosphorus dynamics and bioavailability. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (JSAE). 3(4) Article e70035.
Phosphorus lability across diverse agricultural contexts with legacy sources
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Characterizing Legacy P and simulating mitigation strategies as part of the USDA Legacy P Project
- (Abstract Only)
New phosphorus losses via tile drainage depend on fertilizer form, placement, and timing
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Osterholz, W.R., Simpson, Z.P., Williams, M.R., Shedekar, V., Penn, C.J., King, K.W. 2024. New phosphorus losses via tile drainage depend on fertilizer form, placement, and timing. Journal of Environmental Quality. 53:241-252.
Characterizing and quantifying legacy phosphorus impacts within CEAP watersheds
- (Abstract Only)