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Thomas Delomas
National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center
Research Geneticist, Animals

Phone: (401) 474-7031

(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)

Genetic Improvement of North American Atlantic Salmon and the Eastern Oyster for Aquaculture Production (BRIDGE)
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 447446
Establishment and Operation of the Regional Northeast Oyster Breeding Center (NOBC)
Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 441840
Oyster Aquaculture, Genomics, and Disease Research
Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 443577
On-Farm Grow-Out and Evaluation of USDA ARS Eastern Oyster Germplasm in Rhode Island
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 446360
Production of Pedigreed Families to Correlate Laboratory Disease Challenge Trials with Disease Acquisition in the Field
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 446363

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
A free lunch: Microhaplotype discovery in an existing amplicon panel improves parentage assignment for the highly polymorphic Pacific oyster Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thompson, N., Sutherland, B.J., Green, T.J., Delomas, T.A. 2024. A free lunch: Microhaplotype discovery in an existing amplicon panel improves parentage assignment for the highly polymorphic Pacific oyster. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics.
Microhaplotypes generate higher breeding value accuracy compared to SNPs for imputation-based breeding strategies Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delomas, T.A., Hollenbeck, C.M., Matt, J.L., Thompson, N.F. 2024. Microhaplotypes generate higher breeding value accuracy compared to SNPs for imputation-based breeding strategies. Aquaculture. 586:740779.
Sex-specific gene expression in eastern oyster gonad and mantle tissues Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Proestou, D.A., Delomas, T.A., Sullivan, M.E., Markey Lundgren, K.R. 2024. Sex-specific gene expression in eastern oyster gonad and mantle tissues. Invertebrate Biology. 143(1):e12418.
Microhaplotpes boost power for relatedness analysis from SNP-based amplicon sequence panels in Pacific oyster - (Abstract Only)
Thompson, N., Sutherland, B., Green, T., Delomas, T.A. 2024. Microhaplotpes boost power for relatedness analysis from SNP-based amplicon sequence panels in Pacific oyster. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
Estimating microhaplotype allele frequencies from low-coverage or pooled sequencing data Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delomas, T.A., Willis, S.C. 2023. Estimating microhaplotype allele frequencies from low-coverage or pooled sequencing data. Bioinformatics.
Efficient population representation with more genetic markers increases performance of a steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) genetic stock identification baseline Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hargrove, J.S., Delomas, T.A., Powell, J.H., Hess, J.E., Narum, S.R., Campbell, M.R. 2023. Efficient population representation with more genetic markers increases performance of a steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) genetic stock identification baseline. Evolutionary Applications. 17(2):e13610.
Introducing the USDA/NEFSC Northeast Oyster Breeding Center (NOBC) - (Abstract Only)
Evaluating cost-effective genotyping strategies for genomic selection in oysters Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delomas, T.A., Hollenbeck, C.M., Matt, J.L., Thompson, N. 2023. Evaluating cost-effective genotyping strategies for genomic selection in oysters. Aquaculture. 562:738844.