Stefano Costanzo
Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory
Research Plant Pathologist
Phone: (301) 504-5617
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
First report of a phytoplasma strain in the Elm Yellows Group (16SrV) associated with Virginia Creeper in Maryland, USA
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Padmanabhan, C., Nunziata, S.O., Kim, B., Rivera, Y., Costanzo, S. 2024. First report of a phytoplasma strain in the Elm Yellows Group (16SrV) associated with Virginia Creeper in Maryland, USA. Plant Disease.
iPhyDSDB: Phytoplasma disease and symptom database
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Wei, W., Shao, J.Y., Zhao, Y., Inaba, J., Ivanauskas, A., Bottner-Parker, K.D., Costanzo, S., Kim, B., Flowers, K., Escobar, J.I. 2024. iPhyDSDB: Phytoplasma disease and symptom database. Biology. 13(9):657.
First report of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari’-related strain associated with yellowing and decline of Silver Bluestem in Texas, U.S.A.
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Rios, D., Ueckert, J., Ong, K., Barillas, J.R., Costanzo, S. 2024. First report of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari’-related strain associated with yellowing and decline of Silver Bluestem in Texas, U.S.A. Plant Disease.
Rapid detection and identification of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’-related strains in Lithuania based on genomic markers present in 16S rRNA and tuf genes
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Valiunas, D., Jomantiene, R., Ivanauskas, A., Sneideris, D., Zizyte-Eidetiene, M., Shao, J.Y., Zhao, Y., Costanzo, S., Davis, R.E. 2019. Rapid detection and identification of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’-related strains in Lithuania based on genomic markers present in 16S rRNA and tuf genes. Forest Pathology. 49:e12553.
First report of apple (Malus sylvestris) as a host of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’in the United States
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Nikolaeva, E.V., Welliver, R., Rosa, C., Jones, T., Peter, K., Costanzo, S., Davis, R.E. 2017. First report of apple (Malus sylvestris) as a host of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’in the United States. Plant Disease. 101:378
High-resolution mapping of Rsn1, a locus controlling sensitivity of rice to a necrosis-inducing phytotoxin from Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA
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Costanzo, S., Jackson, A.K., Brooks, S.A. 2011. High-resolution mapping of Rsn1, a locus controlling sensitivity of rice to a necrosis-inducing phytotoxin from Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 123(1):33-41.
Development of strategies to manage rice blast disease in the USA
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Jia, Y., Lin, M.J., Dai, Y., Costanzo, S., Lee, S., Rubinelli, F.G., Green, E.A., Jia, M.H., Mcclung, A.M., Fjellstrom, R.G., Correll, J.C., Roy-Chowdhury, M., Cartwright, R., Lee, F.N., Moldenhauer, K.K., Liu, G., Zhou, X.G., Wang, X., Wu, D., Rioux, R.A., Tavantzis, S., Xing, J., Yan, L., Singh, P. 2010. Development of strategies to manage rice blast disease in the USA. Symposium Proceedings. IV-P-62.
New insight for two major rice blast R genes: Pi-ta and Pi-km
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Costanzo, S., Yang, Y., Jia, Y. 2010. New insight for two major rice blast R genes: Pi-ta and Pi-km [abstract]. 5th International Rice Blast Conference, August 12-14, 2010, Little Rock, Arkansas. Abstract II-CO-84.
Evolutionary dynamics and structure of the rice blast resistance locus Pi-ta in wild, cultivated, and US weedy rice
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Lee, S., Jia, Y., Costanzo, S., Olsen, K.M., Caicedo, A., Gealy, D.R., Jia, M.H. 2010. Evolutionary dynamics and structure of the rice blast resistance locus Pi-ta in wild, cultivated, and US weedy rice [abstract]. 5th International Rice Blast Conference, August 12-14, 2010, Little Rock, Arkansas. Abstract II-CO-85.
Sequence variation at the rice blast resistance gene Pi-km locus: Implications for the development of allele specific markers
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Costanzo, S., Jia, Y. 2010. Sequence variation at the rice blast resistance gene Pi-km locus: Implications for the development of allele specific markers. Plant Science. 178-523-530.
New Marker Development for the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-km
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Costanzo, S., Jia, Y. 2010. New Marker Development for the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi-km. In: Proceedigs 33rd Rice Technical Working Group Meetings, February 22-24, 2010, Biloxi, MS. CDROM.
Linkage Drag: Implication for Plant Breeding
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Jia, Y., Costanzo, S., Lee, S., Lin, M.J., Jia, M.H. 2010. Linkage Drag: Implication for Plant Breeding. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. CDROM.
An update of genetic studies of disease resistance genes and their utilizations for rice protection
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Jia, Y., Costanzo, S., Lee, S., Dai, Y., Correll, J., Roy-Chodhury, M., Cartwright, R., Lee, F. 2010. An update of genetic studies of disease resistance genes and their utilizations for rice protection. In: Proceedings of the Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Feb. 22-24, 2010, Biloxi, MS. CDROM
Evolutionary dynamics of the genomic region around the blast resistance gene Pi-ta in AA genome Oryza species
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Lee, S., Costanzo, S., Jia, Y., Olsen, K.M., Caicedo, A.L. 2009. Evolutionary dynamics of the genomic region around the blast resistance gene Pi-ta in AA genome Oryza species. Genetics. 183:1315-1325.
Alternatively spliced transcripts of Pi-ta blast resistance gene in Oryza sativa
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Costanzo, S., Jia, Y. 2009. Alternatively spliced transcripts of Pi-ta blast resistance gene in Oryza sativa. Plant Science. 177:468-478.
Current progress on genetic interactions of rice with rice blast and sheath blight fungi
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Jia, Y., Liu, G., Costanzo, S., Lee, S., Dai, Y. 2009. Current progress on genetic interactions of rice with rice blast and sheath blight fungi. Frontiers of Agriculture in China. 3(3):231-239.
Characterization of Two ABC Transporters from Biocontrol and Phytopathogenic Fusarium oxysporus
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Fravel, D.R., Moravec, B.C., Jones, R.W., Costanzo, S. 2008. Characterization of two ABC transporters from biocontrol and phytopathogenic fusarium oxysporus. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 73:2-8.
Understanding the co-evolution of the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta and Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AVR-Pita
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Jia, Y., Wang, X., Costanzo, S., Lee, S. 2009. Understanding the co-evolution of the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta and Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AVR-Pita. In: Wang, X., Valent, B., editors. Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease. Springer, Berlin. p. 137-148.
Mapping of a genetic component required for Pi-ta-mediated signal recognition
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Costanzo, S., Jia, M.H., Jia, Y. 2008. Mapping of a genetic component required for Pi-ta-mediated signal recognition. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Rice Technical Working Group Meetings, February 18-21, 2008, San Diego, CA. 2008. CDROM.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta
- (Proceedings)
Costanzo, S., Wang, X., Jia, Y. 2008. Analysis of the effectiveness of the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Rice Technical Working Group Meetings, February 18-21, 2008, San Diego, CA. 2008. CDROM.
The structure and regulation of genes and consequences of their genetic mutations
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Lee, S., Costanzo, S., Jia, Y. 2012. The structure and regulation of genes and consequences of their genetic mutations. In: Shu, Q.-Y., Forster, B.P., Nakagawa, H. editor. Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology. CAB International:Cambridge. p. 33-47.