Bryan Carlson
Northwest Sustainable Agroecosystems Research
Information Management Specialist
Phone: (509) 335-0960
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)
(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
The LTAR Cropland Common Experiment at R.J. Cook Agronomy Farm, Washington, USA
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research: four data workflows for network data integration
- (Abstract Only)
Abendroth, L.J., Kleinman, P.J., Armendariz, G.A., Coffin, A.W., Cosh, M.H., Heilman, P., Hoover, D.L., Kaplan, N.E., White, W.A., Bestelmeyer, B.T., Browning, D.M., Carlson, B.R. 2023. USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research: four data workflows for network data integration [abstract]. 2023 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, October 29-November 1, 2023, St. Louis, Missouri. Available:
Long term agroecosystem research experimental watershed network
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goodrich, D.C., Bosch, D.D., Bryant, R.B., Cosh, M.H., Endale, D.M., Veith, T.L., Kleinman, P.J., Langendoen, E.J., McCarty, G.W., Pierson Jr., F.B., Schomberg, H.H., Smith, D.R., Starks, P.J., Strickland, T.C., Tsegaye, T.D., Awada, T., Swain, H., Derner, J.D., Bestelmeyer, B.T., Schmer, M.R., Baker, J.M., Carlson, B.R., Huggins, D.R., Archer, D.W., Armendariz, G.A. 2022. Long term agroecosystem research experimental watershed network. Hydrological Processes. 36(3). Article e14534. [Corrigendum: Hydrological Processes: 2022, 36(6), Article e14609.]
Are microbial communities indicators of soil health in a dryland wheat cropping system?
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schlatter, D.C., Hansen, J.C., Carlson, B.R., Leslie, I.N., Huggins, D.R., Paulitz, T.C. 2022. Are microbial communities indicators of soil health in a dryland wheat cropping system? Applied Soil Ecology. 170. Article 104302.
The Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network standard GIS data layers
- (Database / Dataset)
Armendariz, G., Coffin, A.W., Archer, D.W., Arthur, D.K., Bean, A.R., Browning, D.M., Carlson, B.R., Clark, P., Flynn, K.C., Goslee, S.C., Sclater, V., Sudduth, K.A., Kaplan, N.E., Stinner, J.H., King, K.W., Spiegal, S.A., Hsieh, H., Moglen, G.E., Yasarer, L.M., Kettler, T.A., Schmer, M.R., Teet, S.B., Starks, P.J., Hall, V.O., Wagner, S.W., Johnson, J.M., Holifield Collins, C.D., Kautz, M.A. 2021. The Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network standard GIS data layers. Ag Data Commons.
Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network Regions, 2018 version
- (Database / Dataset)
Coffin, A.W., Sclater, V., Holifield Collins, C., Archer, D., Armendariz, G., Arthur, D.K., Augustine, D., Baffaut, C., Bean, A.R., Bestelmeyer, B., Browning, D.M., Carlson, B.R., Clark, P., Derner, J.D., Goslee, S.C., Huggins, D.R., James, D.E., Kaplan, N.E., King, K.W., Kleinman, P.J., Ponce Campos, G.E., Porensky, L.M., Robertson, P., Sadler, J., Smith, D., Spiegal, S.A., Steiner, J.L., Strickland, T.C., Vandenberg, B.C., Van Vactor, S.S., Wienhold, B.J., Yasarer, L.M. 2021. Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network Regions, 2018 version.Ag Data Commons, USDA National Agricultural Library.
Soil acidification modifies soil depth-microbiome relationships in a no-till wheat cropping system.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schlatter, D.C., Kahl, K., Carlson, B.R., Huggins, D.R., Paulitz, T.C. 2020. Soil acidification modifies soil depth-microbiome relationships in a no-till wheat cropping system.. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 149. Article 107939.
Fungal community composition and diversity vary with soil depths and landscape position in a no-till wheat cropping system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schlatter, D.C., Kahl, K., Carlson, B.R., Huggins, D.R., Paulitz, T.C. 2018. Fungal community composition and diversity vary with soil depths and landscape position in a no-till wheat cropping system. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 94:1-15.