Ping Li
Cotton Fiber Bioscience and Utilization Research
Molecular Biologist
Phone: (504) 286-4402
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Genome-wide association studies of bundle and single fiber length traits reveal the genetic basis of within-sample variation in upland cotton fiber length
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kim, H.J., Thyssen, G.N., Delhom, C.D., Fang, D.D., Naoumkina, M.A., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Jenkins, J.N., Mccarty, J.C., Zeng, L., Campbell, B.T., Jones, D.C. 2024. Genome-wide association studies of bundle and single fiber length traits reveal the genetic basis of within-sample variation in upland cotton fiber length. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15: 1472675.
Flame resistant cotton lines generated by synergistic epistasis in a MAGIC population
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Thyssen, G.N., Condon, B.D., Hinchliffe, D.J., Zeng, L., Naoumkina, M., Jenkins, J.N., Mccarty,J.C., Sui, R., Madison, C., Li, P., Fang, D.D. Flame resistant cotton lines generated by synergistic epistasis in a MAGIC population. PLOS ONE. 18:e0278696.2023.
A comparative study between trait selections and marker-assisted selections to improve fiber strength in upland cotton
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Zeng, L., Fang, D.D., Li, P., Delhom, C.D. 2023. A comparative study between trait selections and marker-assisted selections to improve fiber strength in upland cotton. Crop Science. 63:1092-1101.
A deletion/duplication in the Ligon-lintless-2 locus induces siRNAs that inhibits cotton fiber cell elongation
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Naoumkina, M.A., Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Florane, C.B., Li, P. 2022. A deletion/duplication in the Ligon-lintless-2 locus induces siRNAs that inhibits cotton fiber cell elongation. Plant Physiology. 190(3):1792-1805.
Mapping-by-sequencing the locus of EMS-induced mutation responsible for tufted-fuzzless seed phenotype in cotton
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Naoumkina, M., Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Bechere, E., Li, P., Florane, C.B. 2021. Mapping-by-sequencing the locus of EMS-induced mutation responsible for tufted-fuzzless seed phenotype in cotton. Molecular Genetics and Genomics.
Elucidation of sequence polymorphism in fuzzless-seed cotton lines
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Naoumkina, M.A., Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Li, P., Florane, C.B. 2020. Elucidation of sequence polymorphism in fuzzless-seed cotton lines. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 296(1):193–206.
Stability and transferability assessment of the cotton fiber strength QTL qFS-c7-1 on chromosome A07
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Fang, D.D., Zeng, L., Thyssen, G.N., Delhom, C.D., Bechere, E., Jones, D.C., Li, P. 2021. Stability and transferability assessment of the cotton fiber strength QTL qFS-c7-1 on chromosome A07. The Crop Journal. 9(2):380-386.
Mapping and validation of a fiber length QTL on chromosome D11 using two independent F2 populations of upland cotton
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Naoumkina, M.A., Zeng, L., Fang, D.D., Wang, M., Thyssen, G.N., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Delhom, C.D. 2020. Mapping and validation of a fiber length QTL on chromosome D11 using two independent F2 populations of upland cotton. Molecular Breeding. 40:31.
Mapping and validation of a fiber length QTL on chromosome D11 using two independent F2 populations of upland cotton
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Naoumkina, M.A., Zeng, L., Fang, D.D., Wang, M., Thyssen, G.N., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Delhom, C.D. 2020. Mapping and validation of a fiber length QTL on chromosome D11 using two independent F2 populations of upland cotton. Molecular Breeding. 40:31.
An EMS-induced mutation in a tetratricopeptide repeat-like superfamily protein gene (Ghir_A12G008870) on chromosome A12 is responsible for the liy short fiber phenotype in cotton
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Fang, D.D., Naoumkina, M.A., Thyssen, G.N., Bechere, E., Li, P., Florane, C.B. 2020. An EMS-induced mutation in a tetratricopeptide repeat-like superfamily protein gene (Ghir_A12G008870) on chromosome A12 is responsible for the liy short fiber phenotype in cotton. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133(1):271-282.
A novel variant of Gh_D02G0276 is required for Root-Knot nematode resistance on chromosome 14 in Upland Cotton
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Wubben, M., Thyssen, G.N., Callahan, F.E., Fang, D.D., Deng, D.D., Mccarty Jr, J.C., Li, P., Islam, M.S., Jenkins, J.N. 2019. A novel variant of Gh_D02G0276 is required for Root-Knot nematode resistance on chromosome 14 in Upland Cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2019)132:1425–1434.
Whole genome sequencing of a MAGIC population identified genomic loci and candidate genes for major fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
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Thyssen, G.N., Jenkins, J.N., McCarty, J.C., Zeng, L., Campbell, B.T., Delhom, C.D., Islam, M.S., Li, P., Jones, D.C., Condon, B.D., Fang, D.D. 2018. Whole genome sequencing of a MAGIC population identified genomic loci and candidate genes for major fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132:989-999.
The P450 gene CYP749A16 is required for tolerance to the sulfonylurea herbicide trifloxysulfuron sodium in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
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Thyssen, G.N., Naoumkina, M.A., McCarty, J.C., Jenkins, J.N., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Fang, D.D. 2018. The P450 gene CYP749A16 is required for tolerance to the sulfonylurea herbicide trifloxysulfuron sodium in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. 18:186.
Quantitative trait loci analysis for net ginning energy requirements in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
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Bechere, E., Fang, D.D., Kebede, H.A., Hardin Iv, R.G., Islam, M.S., Li, P., Scheffler, J.A. 2017. Quantitative trait loci analysis for net ginning energy requirements in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Euphytica. 213:160-171.
A Gly65Val substitution in an actin, GhACT_LI1, disrupts cell polarity and F-actin organization resulting in dwarf, lintless cotton plants
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Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Turley, R.B., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Mattison, C.P., Naoumkina, M.A. 2017. A Gly65Val substitution in an actin, GhACT_LI1, disrupts cell polarity and F-actin organization resulting in dwarf, lintless cotton plants. Plant Journal. 90(1):111-121.
Utility assessment of published microsatellite markers for fiber length and bundle strength QTL in a cotton breeding program
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Hugie, K.L., Fang, D.D., Smith, C., Li, P., Hinze, L.L., Hague, S.S., Jones, D. 2016. Utility assessment of published microsatellite markers for fiber length and bundle strength QTL in a cotton breeding program. Crop Science. 56:2983-2995 doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.02.0093.
The GhTT2_A07 gene is linked to the brown colour and natural flame retardancy phenotypes of Lc1 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fibres
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Hinchliffe, D.J., Condon, B.D., Thyssen, G.N., Naoumkina, M.A., Madison, C.A., Reynolds, M.L., Delhom, C.D., Fang, D.D., Li, P., McCarty Jr, J.C. 2016. The GhTT2_A07 gene is linked to the brown colour and natural flame retardancy phenotypes of Lc1 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fibres. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67(18):5461-5471.
The immature fiber mutant phenotype of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is linked to a 22-bp frame-shift deletion in a mitochondria targeted pentatricopeptide repeat gene
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Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Zeng, L., Song, X., Delhom, C.D., Condon, T.L., Li, P., Kim, H.J. 2016. The immature fiber mutant phenotype of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is linked to a 22-bp frame-shift deletion in a mitochondria targeted pentatricopeptide repeat gene. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 6:1627-1633.
Mapping by sequencing in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) line MD52ne identified candidate genes for fiber strength and its related quality attributes
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Islam, M.S., Zeng, L., Thyssen, G.N., Delhom, C.D., Kim, H.J., Li, P., Fang, D.D. 2016. Mapping by sequencing in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) line MD52ne identified candidate genes for fiber strength and its related quality attributes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 129:1071-1086.
Mapping-by-sequencing of Ligon-lintless-1 (Li1) reveals a cluster of neighboring genes with correlated expression in developing fibers of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Turley, R.B., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Naoumkina, M.A. 2015. Mapping-by-sequencing of Ligon-lintless-1 (Li1) reveals a cluster of neighboring genes with correlated expression in developing fibers of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 128:1703-1712.
Next generation genetic mapping of the Ligon-lintless-2 (Li2) locus in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thyssen, G.N., Fang, D.D., Turley, R.B., Florane, C.B., Li, P., Naoumkina, M.A. 2014. Next generation genetic mapping of the Ligon-lintless-2 (Li2) locus in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 127:2183-2192.
Quantitative trait loci analysis of fiber quality traits using a random-mated recombinant inbred population in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fang, D.D., Jenkins, J.N., Deng, D.D., McCarty Jr, J.C., Li, P., Wu, J. 2014. Quantitative trait loci analysis of fiber quality traits using a random-mated recombinant inbred population in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 15:397.
Identification of cotton fiber quality quantitative trait loci using intraspecific crosses derived from two near-isogenic lines differing in fiber bundle strength.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Islam, M.S., Zeng, L., Delhom, C.D., Song, X., Kim, H.J., Li, P., Fang, D.D. 2014. Identification of cotton fiber quality quantitative trait loci using intraspecific crosses derived from two near-isogenic lines differing in fiber bundle strength. Molecular Breeding. 34:373-384.
Genetic mapping of non-target-site resistance to a sulfonylurea herbicide (Envoke®) in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thyssen, G.N., McCarty, J.C., Li, P., Jenkins, J.N., Fang, D.D. 2014. Genetic mapping of non-target-site resistance to a sulfonylurea herbicide (Envoke®) in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Molecular Breeding. 33:341-348.
Aspergillus flavus VelB acts distinctly from VeA in conidiation and may coordinate with FluG to modulate sclerotial production
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, P-K., Scharfenstein, L.L., Li, P., Ehrlich, K. 2013. Aspergillus flavus VelB acts distinctly from VeA in conidiation and may coordinate with FluG to modulate sclerotial production. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 58-59:71-79.
Transcript profiling by microarray and marker analysis of the short cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber mutant Ligon lintless-1 (Li1)
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Gilbert, M.K., Turley, R.B., Kim, H.J., Li, P., Thyssen, G.N., Tang, Y., Delhom, C.D., Naoumkina, M.A., Fang, D.D. 2013. Transcript profiling by microarray and marker analysis of the short cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber mutant Ligon lintless-1 (Li1). Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 14:403.
A microsatellite-based genome-wide analysis of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars from major cotton-growing countries
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fang, D.D., Hinze, L.L., Percy, R.G., Li, P., Deng, D.D., Thyssen, G.N. 2013. A microsatellite-based genome-wide analysis of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars from major cotton-growing countries. Euphytica. 191:391-401.
Association with AflR in endosomes reveals new functions for AflJ in aflatoxin biosynthesis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ehrlich, K., Mack, B.M., Wei, Q., Li, P., Roze, L.V., Dazzo, F., Cary, J.W., Bhatnagar, D., Linz, J.E. 2012. Association with AflR in endosomes reveals new functions for AflJ in aflatoxin biosynthesis. Toxins. 4:1582-1600.
Cloning and characterization of homeologous cellulose synthase catalytic subunit 2 genes from allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kim, H.J., Triplett, B.A., Zhang, H., Lee, M., Hinchliffe, D.J., Li, P., Fang, D.D. 2012. Cloning and characterization of homeologous cellulose synthase catalytic subunit 2 genes from allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Gene. 494(2):181-189.
A combined functional and structural genomics approach identified an EST-SSR marker with complete linkage to the Ligon lintless-2 genetic locus in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hinchliffe, D.J., Turley, R.B., Naoumkina, M.A., Kim, H.J., Tang, Y., Yeater, K.M., Li, P., Fang, D.D. 2011. A combined functional and structural genomics approach identified an EST-SSR marker with complete linkage to the Ligon lintless-2 genetic locus in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 12:445.
HypC, the anthrone oxidase involved in aflatoxin biosynthesis
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Ehrlich, K., Li, P., Scharfenstein, L.L., Chang, P.-K. 2010. HypC, the anthrone oxidase involved in aflatoxin biosynthesis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76(10):3374-3377.