Projects |
Cooperative Agreement between USDA/ARS and the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global) for OIREC Soft Funds
Cooperative Agreement
Accession Number: 440239 |
Support for Embrapa's Labex-USA Program
Cooperative Agreement
Accession Number: 447081 |
ARS-Embrapa-University of Florida Fertilizer Use Efficiency MOU
Memorandum of Understanding
Accession Number: 444022 |
Biological Control of Latin American Weeds and Insects
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Accession Number: 440238 |
Cooperation Agreement Between the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa)and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)execution of Labex
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement
Accession Number: 439535 |