Ariel S Freidenreich
Agroecosystem Management Research
Research Soil Scientist
Phone: (402) 472-5137
Fax: (402) 472-4020
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
The LTAR common experiment at platte river/high plains aquifer: cropland
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
The LTAR Common Experiment: Facilitating improved agricultural sustainability through coordinated cross-site research
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liebig, M.A., Abendroth, L.J., Robertson, G., Augustine, D.J., Boughton, E.H., Bagley, G.A., Busch, D.L., Clark, P., Coffin, A.W., Dalzell, B.J., Dell, C.J., Fortuna, A., Freidenreich, A.S., Heilman, P., Helseth, C.M., Huggins, D.R., Johnson, J.M., Khorchani, M., King, K.W., Kovar, J.L., Locke, M.A., Mirsky, S.B., Schantz, M.C., Schmer, M.R., Silveira, M.L., Smith, D.R., Soder, K.J., Spiegal, S.A., Stinner, J.H., Toledo, D.N., Williams, M.R., Krecker-Yost, J.L. 2024. The LTAR Common Experiment: Facilitating improved agricultural sustainability through coordinated cross-site research. Journal of Environmental Quality. 53:787-801.
Optimizing cover crop management in Eastern Nebraska: Insights from crop simulation modeling
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Shiferaw, A., Birru, G.A., Tadesse, T., Schmer, M.R., Awada, T., Jin, V.L., Wardlow, B., Iqbal, J., Freidenreich, A.S., Kharel, T.P., Khorchani, M., Mersha, Z., Begna, S., Sohoulande Djebou, D.C. 2024. Optimizing cover crop management in Eastern Nebraska: Insights from crop simulation modeling. Agronomy Journal. 14(7). Article 1561.
Poultry-based amendments and cover crops enhance nutrient cycling and soil health in greenhouse conditions mimicking organic vegetable production
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Freidenreich, A.S., Pelegrina, G., Victores, S., Maltais-Landry, G. 2024. Poultry-based amendments and cover crops enhance nutrient cycling and soil health in greenhouse conditions mimicking organic vegetable production. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Long-term croplands water productivity in response to management and climate, in Western US corn belt
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Khorchani, M., Awada, T., Schmer, M.R., Jin, V.L., Birru, G.A., Dangal, S.R., Suyker, A., Freidenreich, A.S. 2023. Long-term croplands water productivity in response to management and climate, in Western US corn belt. Agricultural Water Management. 291. Article 108460.