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Peter C Thompson
Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory

Phone: (301) 504-8762

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Molecular, Immune and Microbiome Approaches for Mitigating GI Nematode Infections of Livestock
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 441382

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Biosecurity in swine farms prevents zoonotic risk from ongoing transmission of Trichinella murrelli in Minnesota’s wild carnivores Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dubey, J.P., Gupta, A., Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M., Humpal, C., Carstensen, M. 2024. Biosecurity in swine farms prevents zoonotic risk from ongoing transmission of Trichinella murrelli in Minnesota’s wild carnivores. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports.
Over a century of progress on Trichinella research in pigs at the United States Department of Agriculture: Challenges and solutions Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dubey, J.P., Thompson, P.C., Fournet, V.M., Hill, D., Zarlenga, D., Gamble, H., Rosenthal, B.M. 2024. Over a century of progress on Trichinella research in pigs at the United States Department of Agriculture: Challenges and solutions. Food and Waterborne Parasitology. 36(1). Article e00239.
Trichinella murrelli identified in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Pennsylvania, USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dubey, J.P., Thompson, P.C., De Araujo, L., Gupta, A., Kay, S., Kwok, O.C., Battle, J., Van Why, K., Brown, J., Rosenthal, B.M. 2024. Trichinella murrelli identified in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Pennsylvania, USA. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports. 54(1). Article e101086.
Trichinella: Becoming a parasite Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zarlenga, D.S., Hoberg, E.P., Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M. 2024. Trichinella: Becoming a parasite. Veterinary Parasitology. Article e110220.
Chromosomal scale assembly reveals localized structural variants in avian caecal coccidian parasite Eimeria tenella Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Srivastava, S.K., Parker, C.C., Obrien, C.N., Tucker, M.S., Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M., Dubey, J.P., Khan, A., Jenkins, M.C. 2023. Chromosomal scale assembly reveals localized structural variants in avian caecal coccidian parasite Eimeria tenella. Scientific Reports. 13. Article e22802.
Polymerase chain reaction directed to Eimeria ITS1 rDNA or single copy orthologues corroborates standard micro-oocyst analysis of intestinal tissue from E. acervulina, E. maxima, or E. tenella-infected chickens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jenkins, M.C., Obrien, C.N., Parker, C.C., Thompson, P.C., Fitzcoy, S., Bautista, D. 2022. Polymerase chain reaction directed to Eimeria ITS1 rDNA or single copy orthologues corroborates standard micro-oocyst analysis of intestinal tissue from E. acervulina, E. maxima, or E. tenella-infected chickens. Avian Diseases. 66(2).
Horizontal gene transfer provides insights into the deep evolutionary history and biology of Trichinella Reprint Icon - (Literature Review)
Zarlenga, D., Thompson, P.C., Mitreva, M., Rosa, B., Hoberg, E. 2022. Horizontal gene transfer provides insights into the deep evolutionary history and biology of Trichinella. Food and Waterborne Parasitology.
Infection, genetics, and evolution of Trichinella: Historical insights and applications Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bilska-Zajak, E., Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M., Rozycki, M., Cencek, T. 2021. Infection, genetics, and evolution of Trichinella: Historical insights and applications. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 95:105080.
Trich-tracker - a practical tool to trace T. spiralis transmission based on rapid, cost-effective sampling of genome-wide genetic variation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bilska-Zajak, E., Rosenthal, B.M., Thompson, P.C. 2021. Trich-tracker - a practical tool to trace T. spiralis transmission based on rapid, cost-effective sampling of genome-wide genetic variation. International Journal for Parasitology.
Genetic evidence substantiates transmission of Trichinella spiralis from one swine farm to another Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bilska-Zajac, E., Tonanzi, D., Pozio, E., Rozycki, M., Cencek, T., Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M., La Rosa, G. 2021. Genetic structure uniformity substantiates transmission of Trichinella spiralis from one swine farm to another. Parasites & Vectors. 14:359.
Divergence at mitochondrial and ribosomal loci indicates the split between Asian and European populations of Trichinella spiralis occurred prior to swine domestication Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thompson, P.C., Bilzka-Zajac, E., Zarlenga, D.S., Mingyuan, L., Cencek, T., Rozyicki, M., Rosenthal, B.M. 2021. Divergence at mitochondrial and ribosomal loci indicates the split between Asian and European populations of Trichinella spiralis occurred prior to swine domestication. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 88(104705).
Trichinella species and genotypes Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Zarlenga, D.S., Thompson, P.C., Pozio, E. 2020. Trichinella species and genotypes. Research in Veterinary Science. 133:289-296.
The genetics of Trichinella populations: a study in contrasts - (Book / Chapter)
Rosenthal, B.M., Bilska-Zajac, E., Thompson, P.C. 2021. The genetics of Trichinella populations: a study in contrasts. In: Bruschi, Fabrizio, editor. Trichinella and Trichinellosis. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press. 25-34.
Assessing the evolutionary persistence of ecological relationships: a review and preview Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Hecht, L.B., Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M. 2020. Assessing the evolutionary persistence of ecological relationships: a review and preview. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 84(1-11).
Coccidiosis - (Book / Chapter)
Rosenthal, B.M., Thompson, P.C. 2019. Coccidiosis. In: Dubey, J.P., editor. Coccidiosis in Livestock, Poultry, Companion Animals, and Humans. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 37-42.
Hybridization between previously isolated ancestors may explain the persistence of exactly two ancient lineages in the genome of the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thompson, P.C., Hare, M.P., Rosenthal, B.M. 2014. Hybridization between previously isolated ancestors may explain the persistence of exactly two ancient lineages in the genome of the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 24:167-176.
Comparative genetics: a lens through which to clarify the genomes, the transmission history, and the reproductive biology of Trichinella spp. - (Abstract Only)
Rosenthal, B.M., Thompson, P.C., Liu, M. 2014. Comparative genetics: a lens through which to clarify the genomes, the transmission history, and the reproductive biology of Trichinella spp.. Meeting Abstract. 24:167-176.
Microsatellite genotypes reveal some long distance gene flow in Perkinsus marinus, a major pathogen of eastern oysters Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thompson, P.C., Rosenthal, B.M., Hare, M.P. 2014. Microsatellite genotypes reveal some long distance gene flow in Perkinsus marinus, a major pathogen of eastern oysters. Journal of Shellfish Research. 33(1):195-206.