Scott Portman
Invasive Species and Pollinator Health
Research Entomologist
Phone: (510) 559-6185
Fax: (510) 559-5963
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Host plant water deficit stress impairs reproduction and development of the galling fly (Parafreutreta regalis), a biological control agent of Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Portman, S.L., Santacruz, K., Moran, P.J. 2021. Host plant water deficit stress impairs reproduction and development of the galling fly (Parafreutreta regalis), a biological control agent of Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata). Biological Control. 156. Article 104555.
Cape-ivy galling fly established and thriving along the California Coast
- (Trade Journal)
Portman, S.L., Moran, P.J. 2020. Cape-ivy shoot-galling fly established and thriving along the California Coast. California Invasive Plant Council. 28(2):8,14.
Tritrophic interactions between an invasive weed (Lepidium latifolium), an insect herbivore (Bagrada hilaris), and a plant pathogenic fungus (Albugo lepidii)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tofangsazi, N., Hogg, B.N., Portman, S.L., Pratt, P.D. 2019. Tritrophic interactions between an invasive weed (Lepidium latifolium), an insect herbivore (Bagrada hilaris), and a plant pathogenic fungus (Albugo lepidii). Environmental Entomology. 48(6):1317-1322.
Advancing biological control of the wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus) – new strategies in a 100 year struggle to manage a costly pest in the Northern Great Plains
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Portman, S.L., Jaronski, S., Weaver, D.K., Reddy, G.V. 2018. Advancing biological control of the wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus) – new strategies in a 100 year struggle to manage a costly pest in the Northern Great Plains. Biological Control. 111(3):85-91.
First biological control agent released against Cape-ivy
- (Other)
Moran, P.J., Portman, S.L. 2017. First biological control agent released against Cape-ivy. California Invasive Plant Council Newsletter 25(1): 7.
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