Miles Lange
Aquatic Animal Health Research
Research Microbiologist
Phone: (334) 887-3741
ext. 132
Fax: (334) 887-2983
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F. covae recombinant protein interactions impact efficacy of multivalent vaccine in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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Desilva, A., Churchman, E.M., Lange, M.D., Quiroz, V.L., Justice, M.E., Liles, M.R. 2024. F. covae recombinant protein interactions impact efficacy of multivalent vaccine in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Autumn Immunology Conference Proceedings [ABSTRACT]. Autumn Immunology Conference Chicago, IL November 22-25, 2024.
Single-nuclei transcriptome analysis of channel catfish spleen provides insight into the immunome of an aquaculture-relevant species
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Aldersey, J., Lange, M.D., Beck, B.H., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. Single-nuclei transcriptome analysis of channel catfish spleen provides insight into the immunome of an aquaculture-relevant species. PLOS ONE. 19(9): e0309397.
Novel lytic bacteriophage AhFM11 as an effective therapy against hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila
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Sankappa, N.M., Kallappa, G.S., Boregowda, K., Ramachandra, N.M., Suresh, P.K., Balakrishna, D.S., Ballamoole, K.K., Thangavel, S., Sahoo, L., Lange, M.D., Deshotel, M.B., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. Novel lytic bacteriophage AhFM11 as an effective therapy against hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila. Scientific Reports. 14:16882.
Temporal Dynamics of Motile Aeromonas Septicemia in Channel Catfish With Varied Skin Injury and Feeding Conditions
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Soku, Y., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Abernathy, J.W., Sankappa, N.M., Justice, M.E., Churchman, E.C., Quiroz, V.L., Mohamed, A. 2024. Temporal Dynamics of Motile Aeromonas Septicemia in Channel Catfish With Varied Skin Injury and Feeding Conditions [ABSTRACT]. American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section Seminars 2024, Webinar, July 11, 2024.
Evaluation of Recombinant Flavobacterium covae Protein Vaccines in Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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Evaluation of Recombinant Flavobacterium covae Protein Vaccines in Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) [ABSTRACT]. American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section Seminars 2024, Webinar, July 11, 2024.
Novel Lytic Bacteriophage AhFM11 As An Effective Therapy Against Hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila
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Sankappa, N.M., Kallihosuru, B.K., Mandrira, R.N., Shivani, K.G., Kattapuni, S.P., Shriraje, B.D., Ballamoole, K.K., Thangavel, S., Sahoo, L., Lange, M.D., Deshotel, M.B., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. Novel Lytic Bacteriophage AhFM11 As An Effective Therapy Against Hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila [ABSTRACT]. American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section Seminars 2024, Webinar, July 11, 2024.
The single-cell transcriptome analysis of channel catfish B and T cell lines
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Lange, M.D., Aldersey, J.E., Beck, B.H., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. The single-cell transcriptome analysis of channel catfish B and T cell lines [ABSTRACT]. 14th North American Comparative Immunology Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA. June 23-26, 2024.
Single-nuclei transcriptome analysis of channel catfish IgM-positive splenic fractions provides insight into the fish immunome from an aquaculture-relevant species
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Aldersey, J.E., Lange, M.D., Beck, B.H., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. Single-nuclei transcriptome analysis of channel catfish IgM-positive splenic fractions provides insight into the fish immunome from an aquaculture-relevant species [ABSTRACT]. 14th North American Comparative Immunology Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA. June 23-26, 2024.
Gene expression profiles of white bass (Morone chrysops) and hybrid striped bass (M. chrysops x M. saxatilis) gill tissue following Flavobacterium covae infection
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Andersen, L.K., Abernathy, J.W., Farmer, B.D., Lange, M.D., Mcentire, M.E., Rawles, S.D. 2024. Gene expression profiles of white bass (Morone chrysops) and hybrid striped bass (M. chrysops x M. saxatilis) gill tissue following Flavobacterium covae infection. Comparative Immunology Reports. 6:200144.
Single-cell transcriptome analysis of channel catfish whole spleen and IgM-positive splenic fractions provides insight into the fish immunome from an aquaculture-relevant species
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Aldersey, J., Lange, M.D., Beck, B.H., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. Single-cell transcriptome analysis of channel catfish whole spleen and IgM-positive splenic fractions provides insight into the fish immunome from an aquaculture-relevant species. Advances in Genome Biology and Technology[abstract].
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Soku, Y., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Abernathy, J.W., Sankappa, N.M., Justice, M.E., Andersen, L.K., Churchman, E.C., Quiroz, V.L., Mohamed, A. 2024. EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF SKIN INTEGRITY AND DIETARY STATUS ON MOTILE Aeromonas SEPTICEMIA INFECTIONS IN CHANNEL CATFISH Ictalurus punctatus [ABSTRACT]. Aquaculture America, San Antonio, TX Feb. 18-21 2024.
Inclusion of frass from black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae in aquafeeds modulates immune gene expression in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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Abernathy, J.W., Muliya Sankappa, N., Lange, M.D., Aksoy, M., Eljack, R.M., Kucuktas, H., Beck, B.H. 2024. Inclusion of frass from black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae in aquafeeds modulates immune gene expression in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) [abstract]. Aquaculture America 2024, San Antonio, TX, February 18-21, 2024.
Time-course gene expression analysis of the early immune response of Nile tilapia bred for resistance to Streptococcus iniae reveals candidate genes underlying major QTL
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Abernathy, J.W., Lafrentz, B.R., Shoemaker, C.A., Peatman, E., Lange, M.D., Vela-Avitua, S., Lozana, C.A., Ospina-Arango, J.F., Beck, B.H., Rye, M. 2024. Time-course gene expression analysis of the early immune response of Nile tilapia bred for resistance to Streptococcus iniae reveals candidate genes underlying major QTL [ABSTRACT]. 31st International Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA. Jan 11-17, 2024.
Transcriptome analysis and immune gene expression of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fed diets with inclusion of frass from black soldier fly larvae
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Sankappa, N.M., Lange, M.D., Aksoy, M., Eljack, R.M., Kucuktas, H., Beck, B.H., Abernathy, J.W. 2024. Transcriptome analysis and immune gene expression of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fed diets with inclusion of frass from black soldier fly larvae. Frontiers in Physiology. 14:1330368.
Effect of dietary phytase on water and fecal prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiomes in a hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis aureus x O. niloticus) mixotrophic biofloc production system
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Ray, C.L., Abernathy, J.W., Green, B.W., Rivers, A.R., Schrader, K., Rawles, S.D., McEntire, M.E., Lange, M.D., Webster, C.D. 2024. Effect of dietary phytase on water and fecal prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiomes in a hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis aureus x O. niloticus) mixotrophic biofloc production system. Aquaculture. 581. Article 740433.
Evaluation of recombinant Flavobacterium covae protein vaccines in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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Churchman, E.M., Lange, M.D., Sankappa, N.M., Justice, M.E., Abernathy, J.W., Liles, M.R. 2023. Evaluation of recombinant Flavobacterium covae protein vaccines in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) [ABSTRACT]. Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Auburn, AL, November 3-5, 2023.
The role of quorum sensing response regulator luxr on Flavobacterium covae biofilm formation and virulence in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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White, R.E., Churchman, E.M., Xu, T., Lange, M.D., Lafrentz, S., Lafrentz, B.R., Liles, M.R. 2023. The role of quorum sensing response regulator luxr on Flavobacterium covae biofilm formation and virulence in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) [ABSTRACT]. Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Auburn, AL, November 3-5, 2023.
Pacific white shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) transcriptome analysis after exposure to recombinant Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirA and PirB proteins
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Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Zhang, D., Shoemaker, C.A., Bader, T.J., Beck, B.H. 2023. Pacific white shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) transcriptome analysis after exposure to recombinant Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirA and PirB proteins [abstract]. 21ST International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, September 11-14, 2023. Aberdeen, UK.
The expression of recombinant monoclonal antibodies from existing hybridoma cell lines
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Churchman, E.M., Lange, M.D., Wise, A.L., Bruce, T.J. 2023. The expression of recombinant monoclonal antibodies from existing hybridoma cell lines [abstract]. North American Comparative Immunology Conference Workshop, Auburn, AL. June 6-8, 2023.
Global gene expression analyses of channel catfish after being fed diets with inclusion of frass from black soldier fly larvae
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Abernathy, J.W., Lange, M.D., Aksoy, M., Eljack, R.M., Beck, B.H., Muliya Sankappa, N. 2024. Global gene expression analyses of channel catfish after being fed diets with inclusion of frass from black soldier fly larvae. NIH Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Database. GSE231874.
Genetic variation in disease resistance traits in hybrid striped bass
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Determination of the role of quorum sensing response regulator LuxR on flavobacterium covae biofilm formation and virulence in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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Churchman, E.M., White, R., Lange, M.D., Lafrentz, S., Lafrentz, B.R., Liles, M.R. 2023. Determination of the role of quorum sensing response regulator LuxR on flavobacterium covae biofilm formation and virulence in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) [ABSTRACT]. American Society of Microbiology Microbe Conference, Houston, TX, June 15-19, 2023.
A recombinant 9E1 monoclonal antibody binds membrane and soluble channel catfish immunoglobulin M
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Churchman, E.M., Wise, A.L., Bruce, T.J. 2023. A recombinant 9E1 monoclonal antibody binds membrane and soluble channel catfish immunoglobulin M. Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports. 4:100086.
Whole genome sequencing and annotation of seven strains of aeromonas veronii isolated from channel catfish
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Abernathy, J.W., Zhang, D., Liles, M., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Beck, B.H. 2023. Whole genome sequencing and annotation of seven strains of aeromonas veronii isolated from channel catfish. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 12(2):e01231-22.
The impact of antimicrobial peptides on the biofilm formation of aquaculture-relevant pathogens
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Lange, M.D., Salger, S.A., Reading, B.J., Peatman, E., Beck, B.H. 2023. The impact of antimicrobial peptides on the biofilm formation of aquaculture-relevant pathogens [ABSTRACT]. Aquaculture America Conference. New Orleans, LA, February 23-26, 2023
Transcriptome analysis of Pacific white shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) after exposure to recombinant Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirA and PirB proteins
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Rawles, A.A., Zhang, D., Shoemaker, C.A., Bader, T.J., Beck, B.H. 2023. Transcriptome analysis of Pacific white shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) after exposure to recombinant Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirA and PirB proteins. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 132. Article 108502.
Disease resistance in moronid aquaculture
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Abernathy, J.W., Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Mcentire, M.E., Rawles, S.D. 2023. Disease resistance in moronid aquaculture [Abstract]. 30th Annual Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, January 13-18, 2023.
Draft genome sequences of Flavobacterium covae strains LSU-066-04 and LV-359-01
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Churchman, E.M., Parello, G., Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Lafrentz, B.R., Beck, B.H., Liles, M.R. 2022. Draft genome sequences of flavobacterium covae strains LSU-066-04 and LV-359-01. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 11(7):e00352-22.
Draft genome sequence of flavobacterium covae strain LV-359-01
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Churchman, E.M., Parello, G., Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Lafrentz, B.R., Beck, B.H., Liles, M.R. 2022. Draft genome sequence of flavobacterium covae strain LV-359-01. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). SAMN26856627.
Draft genome sequence of flavobacterium covae strain LSU-066-04
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Churchman, E.M., Parello, G., Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Lafrentz, B.R., Beck, B.H., Liles, M.R. 2022. Draft genome sequence of flavobacterium covae strain LSU-066-04. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). SAMN26856626.
Shrimp transcriptome analysis after exposure to recombinant Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirA and PirB toxins
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Rawles, A.A., Abernathy, J.W., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Zhang, D., Bader, T.J., Beck, B.H. 2022. Shrimp transcriptome analysis after exposure to recombinant Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirA and PirB toxins. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Identification and characterization of differentially expressed channel catfish IgM transcripts after vaccination with antigens of virulent aeromonas hydrophila
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Zhang, D., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Beck, B.H. 2022. Identification and characterization of differentially expressed channel catfish IgM transcripts after vaccination with antigens of virulent aeromonas hydrophila. Fishes. 2022(7):24.
Use of a Flavobacterium columnare DnaK recombinant protein vaccine to guard against columnaris disease in channel catfish
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Lange, M.D. 2021. Use of a Flavobacterium columnare DnaK recombinant protein vaccine to guard against columnaris disease in channel catfish. Proceedings of US-Japan Natural Resources Panel on Aquaculture [abstract]. 13-14.
Analysis of variation of immunoglobulin (Ig) M transcripts in channel catfish vaccinated with extracellular proteins of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila
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Zhang, D., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Beck, B.H. 2022. Analysis of variation of immunoglobulin (Ig) M transcripts in channel catfish vaccinated with extracellular proteins of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
The effect of piscidin antimicrobial peptides on the formation of Gram-negative bacterial biofilms
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Prior, B.S., Lange, M.D., Salger, S.A., Reading, B.J., Peatman, E., Beck, B.H. 2022. The effect of piscidin antimicrobial peptides on the formation of Gram-negative bacterial biofilms. Journal of Fish Diseases. 45(1):99-105.
Use of an immersion adjuvant with a Flavobacterium columnare recombinant protein vaccine in channel catfish
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Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Farmer, B.D., Beck, B.H. 2021. Use of an immersion adjuvant with a Flavobacterium columnare recombinant protein vaccine in channel catfish. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 117:136-139.
Impact of dietary phytase on tilapia performance and biofloc water quality
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Green, B.W., Rawles, S.D., Schrader, K., Mcentire, M.E., Abernathy, J.W., Ray, C.L., Gaylord, T.G., Lange, M.D., Webster, C.D. 2021. Impact of dietary phytase on tilapia performance and biofloc water quality. Aquaculture. 541:1-11.
Bioeconomics of Flavobacterium columnare vaccine pond trials with channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus
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Malecki, J.K., Roy, L., Arias, C.R., Lange, M.D., Beck, B.H., Truong, N., Hanson, T.R. 2021. Bioeconomics of Flavobacterium columnare vaccine pond trials with channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 83: 207-217.
Bioeconomics of Flavobacterium columnare Vaccine Pond Trials with Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Malecki, J.K., Roy, L.A., Arias, C.R., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Beck, B.H., Truong, N.T., Hanson, T.R. 2021. Bioeconomics of Flavobacterium columnare Vaccine Pond Trials with Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus. North American Journal of Aquaculture.
Toxicity of recombinant PirA and PirB derived from Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp
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Zhang, D., Bader, T.J., Lange, M.D., Shoemaker, C.A., Beck, B.H. 2021. Toxicity of recombinant PirA and PirB derived from Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp. Microbial Pathogenesis. 155:104886.
Proteome analysis of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila reveals the upregulation of iron acquisition systems in the presence of a xenosiderophore
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Shoemaker, C.A., Zhang, D., Kirby, A., Peatman, E., Beck, B.H. 2020. Proteome analysis of virulent Aeromonas hydrophila reveals the upregulation of iron acquisition systems in the presence of a xenosiderophore. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 367(20):1-8.
Differential susceptibility of white bass (Morone chrysops), striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and hybrid striped bass (M. chrysops x M. saxatilis) to Flavobacterium columnare and effects of mucus on bacterial growth and bio
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Farmer, B.D., Fuller, S.A., Beck, B.H., Abernathy, J.W., Lange, M.D., Webster, C.D. 2020. Differential susceptibility of white bass (Morone chrysops), striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and hybrid striped bass (M. chrysops x M. saxatilis) to Flavobacterium columnare and effects of mucus on bacterial growth and biofilm development. Journal of Fish Diseases. 44(2):161-169.
Aeromonas hydrophila stimulated with deferoxamine mesylate LC-MSMS
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Fish health research updates for 2019
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Beck, B.H., Shoemaker, C.A., Aksoy, M., Zhang, D., Bader, T.J., Peatman, E., Lange, M.D., Fuller, S.A., Liles, M. 2019. Fish health research updates for 2019. Fish Farming News. 2019(2):9-10.
Vertebrate mucus stimulates biofilm development and upregulates iron acquisition genes in Flavobacterium columnare
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Abernathy, J.W. 2019. Vertebrate mucus stimulates biofilm development and upregulates iron acquisition genes in Flavobacterium columnare. Journal of Fish Diseases.
Alternative gene splicing in catfish after treatment with copper sulfate and exposure to Flavobacterium columnare
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Gene expression profiling of catfish after treatment with copper sulfate and exposure to Flavobacterium columnare
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Evaluation of Flavobacterium columnare DnaK recombinant protein vaccine as a means of protection against columnaris disease in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Farmer, B.D. 2019. Evaluation of Flavobacterium columnare DnaK recombinant protein vaccine as a means of protection against columnaris disease in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Frontiers in Immunology. p. 1-13.
Evidence that the stress hormone cortisol regulates biofilm formation differently among Flavobacterium columnare isolates
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Declercq, A., Cai, C., Naranjo, W., Thongda, W., Eeckhaut, V., Bauwens, E., Arias, C., De La Fuente, L., Beck, B.H., Lange, M.D., Peatman, E., Aerts, J., Haesebrouck, F., Decostere, A. 2019. Evidence that the stress hormone cortisol regulates biofilm formation differently among Flavobacterium columnare isolates. Veterinary Research. 50(1):24.
Catfish mucus changes the Flavobacterium columnare transcriptome
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Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Farmer, B.D. 2019. Catfish mucus changes the Flavobacterium columnare transcriptome [abstract]. Aquaculture 2019, March 7-11, 2019, New Orleans, Louisana. p. 602.
Fish and porcine mucus stimulate F. columnare biofilm formation
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Farmer, B.D., Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W. 2019. Fish and porcine mucus stimulate F. columnare biofilm formation [abstract]. Aquaculture 2019, March 7-11, 2019, New Orleans, Louisana. p. 349.
The proliferation and clonal migration of B cells in the systemic and mucosal tissues of channel catfish suggests there is an interconnected mucosal immune system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Waldbieser, G.C., Lobb, C.J. 2019. The proliferation and clonal migration of B cells in the systemic and mucosal tissues of channel catfish suggests there is an interconnected mucosal immune system. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 84:1134-1144.
Novel protein-based therapy for the managing disease that stimulates catfish antimicrobial immunity and tissue repair system
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Dolan, M.C., Elkins, L., Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W. 2018. Novel protein-based therapy for the managing disease that stimulates catfish antimicrobial immunity and tissue repair system [abstract]. 99th Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases, December 2-4, 2018, Chicago, Illinois. PO52.
Gene expression profiling of catfish after treatment with Flavobacterium columnare DnaK protein
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Abernathy, J.W., Lange, M.D. 2019. Gene expression profiling of catfish after treatment with Flavobacterium columnare DnaK protein. Genbank Accession No. GSE121116.
Stress hormone cortisol helps to drive biofilm formation in Flavobacterium columnare
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Declercq, A., Cai, W., Naranjo, E., Thongda, W., Eckhaut, V., Bauwens, E., Arias, C., De La Fuente, L., Beck, B.H., Lange, M.D., Peatman, E., Haesebrougk, F., Aerts, J., Decostere, A. 2018. Stress hormone cortisol helps to drive biofilm formation in Flavobacterium columnare [abstract]. 5th International Conference of Members of the Genus Flavobacterium 2018. p. 42.
Fish mucus alters the Flavobacterium columnare biofilm transcriptome
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Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Abernathy, J.W. 2018. Fish mucus alters the Flavobacterium columnare biofilm transcriptome [abstract]. Meeting Abstract, 5th International Conference on members of the genus Flavobacterium, November 27-29, 2018, Nara, Japan. p. 41.
Catfish mucus alters the Flavobacterium columnare transcriptome
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Abernathy, J.W., Farmer, B.D. 2018. Catfish mucus alters the Flavobacterium columnare transcriptome. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 365(22)1-13.
B cell clonal lineage alterations upon recombinant HIV-1 envelope immunization of Rhesus macaques
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yacoob, C., Lange, M.D., Cohen, K., Lathia, K., Feng, J., Glenn, J., Carbonetti, S., Oliver, B., Vigdorovich, V., Sather, D., Stamatatos, L. 2018. B cell clonal lineage alterations upon recombinant HIV-1 envelope immunization of Rhesus macaques. PLoS Pathogens.
Fish mucus alters the Flavobacterium columnare transcriptome
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Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Abernathy, J.W. 2018. Fish mucus alters the Flavobacterium columnare transcriptome [abstract]. Meeting Abstract, 4th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Bioinformatics Consortium AR-BIC 2018,April 23-24th, 2018, Little Rock, ARkansas. p. 56.
Coordinated effort to advance genomes-to-phenomes through the integration of bioinformatics with aquaculture research
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Abernathy, J.W., Fuller, S.A., Green, B.W., Lange, M.D., Rawles, S.D., Straus, D.L., Webster, C.D. 2018. Coordinated effort to advance genomes-to-phenomes through the integration of bioinformatics with aquaculture research [abstract]. Meeting Abstract, 4th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Bioinformatics Consortium AR-BIC 2018, April 23-24th, 2018, Little Rock, Arkansas. p. 45.
Gene expression analysis between planktonic and biofilm states of Flavobacterium columnare
- (Database / Dataset)
Abernathy, J.W., Lange, M.D. 2018. Gene expression analysis between planktonic and biofilm states of Flavobacterium columnare. Genbank. Accession # GSE109937.
Production of stocker-size hybrid tilapia in an outdoor biofloc production system
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Green, B.W., Rawles, S.D., McEntire, M.E., Ray, C.L., Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D. 2018. Production of stocker-size hybrid tilapia in an outdoor biofloc production system [abstract]. Aquaculture America Conference, February 19-22, 2018, Las Vegas, Neveda. p. 383.
The effect of temperature on the mucosal IgM antibody response to DNP-KLH in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Webster, C.D. 2017. The effect of temperature on the mucosal IgM antibody response to DNP-KLH in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 70:493-497.
The stress hormone cortisol: a (co)regulator of biofilm formation in Flavobacterum columnare?
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Declercq, A.M., Cai, W., Naranjo, E., Thongda, W., Arias, C., De La Fuente, L., Beck, B.H., Lange, M.D., Peatman, E., Aerts, J., Decostere, A.M. 2017. The stress hormone cortisol: a (co)regulator of biofilm formation in Flavobacterum columnare? [abstract]. International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. p. 18.
Sickeningly sweet: L-rhamnose stimulates Flavobacterium columnare biofilm formation and virulence
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Declercq, A.M., Peatman, E., Decostere, A., Beck, B.H. 2017. Sickeningly sweet: L-rhamnose stimulates Flavobacterium columnare biofilm formation and virulence. Journal of Fish Diseases. doi:10.1111/jfd.12629.
The carbohydrate L-rhamnose promotes biofilm formation which enhances Flavobacterium columnare virulence
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Lange, M.D., Farmer, B.D., Brown, J.D., Barnett, L.M., Peatman, E., Beck, B.H. 2017. The carbohydrate L-rhamnose promotes biofilm formation which enhances Flavobacterium columnare virulence [abstract]. Aquaculture America. p. 1.
Impact of oral and waterborne administration of rhamnolipids on the susceptibility of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Flavobacterium columnare infection
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, D., Beck, B.H., Lange, M.D., Zhao, H., Thongda, W., Ye, Z., Li, C., Peatman, E. 2016. Impact of oral and waterborne administration of rhamnolipids on the susceptibility of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Flavobacterium columnare infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 60:44-49.
Repertoire comparison of the B-cell receptor encoding loci in humans and rhesus macaques by next generation sequencing
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vigdorovich, V., Oliver, B.G., Carbonetti, S., Dambrauskas, N., Lange, M.D., Yacoob, C., Leahy, W., Callahan, J., Stamatatos, L., Sather, D. 2016. Repertoire comparison of the B-cell receptor encoding loci in humans and rhesus macaques by next generation sequencing. Clinical and Translational Immunology. 5.
Missing the target: DNAk is a dominant epitope in the humoral immune response of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Flavobacterium columnare
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Lange, M.D., Beck, B.H., Brown, J.D., Farmer, B.D., Barnett, L.M., Webster, C.D. 2016. Missing the target: DNAk is a dominant epitope in the humoral immune response of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Flavobacterium columnare [abstract]. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. p. 1.
Missing the target: DNAk is a dominant epitope in the humoral immune response of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Flavobacterium columnare
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lange, M.D., Beck, B.H., Brown, J.D., Farmer, B.D., Barnett, L.M., Webster, C.D. 2016. Missing the target: DNAk is a dominant epitope in the humoral immune response of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Flavobacterium columnare. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 51:170-179.
Beta-conglycinin and gut histology of sunshine bass fed diets with new varieties of non-GM soybeans
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Ramena, Y., Lange, M.D., Rawles, S.D., Lochmann, R., Chen, P., Gaylord, T., Mcentire, M.E., Beck, B.H., Farmer, B.D., Barrows, F. 2016. B-conglycinin and gut histology of sunshine bass fed diets with new varieties of non-gm soybeans. [abstract]. Aquaculture America Conference. p. 654.
Evaluation of growth, nutrient retention, health, and resistance to bacterial challenge in sunshine bass fed diets with new varieties of non-genetically modified soybeans
- (Abstract Only)
Ramena, Y., Rawles, S.D., Lochmann, R., Chen, P., Gaylord, T., Mcentire, M.E., Beck, B.H., Farmer, B.D., Lange, M.D., Barrows, F. 2016. Evaluation of growth, nutrient retention, health, and resistance to bacterial challenge in sunshine bass fed diets with new varieties of non-genetically modified soybeans. [abstract]. Aquaculture America Conference. P. 653.
Evaluation of the antibody response to the LV-359-01 strain of flavobacterium columnare
- (Abstract Only)
Lange, M.D., Brown, J.D., Farmer, B.D., Beck, B.H. 2015. Evaluation of the antibody response to the LV-359-01 strain of flavobacterium columnare [abstract]. 4th International conference on Members of the genus Flavobacterium, Auburn, Alabama. p. 70.
Physiology and immunology of mucosal barriers in catfish (Ictalurus spp.)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peatman, E., Lange, M.D., Zhao, H., Beck, B.H. 2015. Physiology and immunology of mucosal barriers in catfish (Ictalurus spp.). Tissue Barriers. DOI: 10.1080/21688370.2015.1068907.
A comparison of high and low virulence Flavobacterium columnare strains reveals differences in iron acquisition components and responses to iron restriction
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, B.H., Li, C., Farmer, B.D., Barnett, L.M., Lange, M.D., Peatman, E. 2015. A comparison of high and low virulence Flavobacterium columnare strains reveals differences in iron acquisition components and responses to iron restriction. Journal of Fish Diseases. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12343.