Caryn Futrell
Invasive Species and Pollinator Health
Biological Science Technician
Phone: (530) 752-6260
Fax: (530) 752-4604
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Germination niche breadth of invasive Iris pseudacorus (L.) suggests continued recruitment from seeds with global warming
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Gillard, M.B., Castillo, J.M., Mesgaran, M.B., Futrell, C.J., Grewell, B.J. 2022. Germination niche breadth of invasive Iris pseudacorus (L.) suggests continued recruitment from seeds with global warming. American Journal of Botany. 109(7):1108-1119.
Contrasted impacts of yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) on plant diversity in tidal wetlands within its native and invaded distribution ranges
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Gallego-Tevar, B., Grewell, B.J., Whitcraft, C.R., Futrell, C.J., Barcenas-Moreno, G., Castillo, J.M. 2022. Contrasted impacts of yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) on plant diversity in tidal wetlands within its native and invaded distribution ranges. Diversity. 14(5). Article 326.
Salinity and inundation effects on Iris pseudacorus: implications for tidal wetland invasion with sea level rise
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Grewell, B.J., Gallego-Tevar, B., Gillard, M.B., Futrell, C.J., Reicholf, R., Castillo, J.M. 2021. Salinity and inundation effects on Iris pseudacorus: implications for tidal wetland invasion with sea level rise. Plant and Soil.
High aqueous salinity does not preclude germination of invasive Iris pseudacorus from estuarine populations
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gillard, M.B., Castillo, J.M., Mesgaran, M.B., Futrell, C.J., Grewell, B.J. 2021. High aqueous salinity does not preclude germination of invasive Iris pseudacorus from estuarine populations. Ecosphere. 12(5). Article e03486.
High genetic diversity in the clonal aquatic weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides in the United States
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Williams, D.A., Harms, N.E., Knight, I.A., Grewell, B.J., Futrell, C.J., Pratt, P.D. 2020. High genetic diversity in the clonal aquatic weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides in the United States. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 13(4):217-225.
Seed source regions drive fitness differences in invasive macrophytes
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Gillard, M., Drenovsky, R.E., Thiebaut, G., Tarayre, M., Futrell, C.J., Grewell, B.J. 2020. Seed source regions drive fitness differences in invasive macrophytes. American Journal of Botany. 107(5):749-760.
Invasive alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) expands range in northern California: Feather River populations
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Seedling emergence from seed banks in Ludwigia hexapetala invaded wetlands: Implications for restoration
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grewell, B.J., Gillard, M., Futrell, C.J., Castillo, J.M. 2019. Seedling emergence from seed banks in Ludwigia hexapetala invaded wetlands: Implications for restoration. Plants. 8(11):451.
Interactive effects of salinity and inundation on native Spartina foliosa, invasive S. densiflora, and their hybrid from San Francisco Estuary, California
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gallego-Tevar, B., Grewell, B.J., Futrell, C.J., Drenovsky, R.E., Castillo, J.M. 2019. Interactive effects of salinity and inundation on native Spartina foliosa, invasive S. densiflora, and their hybrid from San Francisco Estuary, California. Annals Of Botany. 125(2):377-389.
Resprouting potential of rhizome fragments from invasive macrophyte reveals superior colonization ability of the diploid congener
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grewell, B.J., Futrell, C.J., Iannucci, M., Drenovsky, R.E. 2019. Resprouting potential of rhizome fragments from invasive macrophyte reveals superior colonization ability of the diploid congener. AoB Plants. 11(6).
High salinity exposure does not preclude germination of invasive Iris pseudacorus from populations along a Delta – San Francisco Estuary salinity gradient [
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Gillard, M., Castillo, J.M., Mesgaran, M.B., Futrell, C.J., Grewell, B.J. 2019. High salinity exposure does not preclude germination of invasive Iris pseudacorus from populations along a Delta – San Francisco Estuary salinity gradient [. Meeting Abstract. Abstract.
Exploring the germination ecology of Iris pseudacorus populations invading California wetlands [abstract]
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Gillard, M., Castillo, J.M., Mesgaran, M.B., Futrell, C.J., Grewell, B.J. 2019. Exploring the germination ecology of Iris pseudacorus populations invading California wetlands [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. Abstract.
Seasonal variation in growth, biomass and carbon storage allocation of Ludwigia hexapetala along water depth gradients in the Russian River Watershed [abstract]
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Functional trait responses of invasive Ludwigia species to contrasting hydrologic conditions
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Drenovsky, R.E., Reicholf, R., Futrell, C.J., Gallego-Tevar, B., Grewell, B.J. 2018. Functional trait responses of invasive Ludwigia species to contrasting hydrologic conditions. Weed Abstracts. [Abstract].
Climate warming stimulates germination and inital biomass production by seedlings of two invasive Ludwigia congeners
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Gillard, M., Grewell, B.J., Futrell, C.J., Deleu, C., Thiebaut, G. 2018. Climate warming stimulates germination and inital biomass production by seedlings of two invasive Ludwigia congeners. Botanical Society of America Abstracts. [Abstract].
Germination and seedling growth of water primroses: A cross experiment between two invaded ranges with contrasting climates
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gillard, M., Grewell, B.J., Futrell, C.J., Deleu, C., Thiebaut, G. 2017. Germination and seedling growth of water primroses: A cross experiment between two invaded ranges with contrasting climates. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1677.
Variation in germination capacity and seedling growth of water primroses in contrasting climates from two invaded continental ranges
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Gillard, M., Grewell, B.J., Futrell, C.J., Deleu, C., Thiebaut, G. 2018. Variation in germination capacity and seedling growth of water primroses in contrasting climates from two invaded continental ranges. Meeting Abstract. 15th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants, Queenstown, New Zealand, proceedings.
Vegetative regeneration of invasive Ludwigia cytotypes from clonal bud banks across resource gradients: colonizing diploid outperforms polyploid
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Grewell, B.J., Drenovsky, R.E., Futrell, C.J., Iannucci, M. 2018. Vegetative regeneration of invasive Ludwigia cytotypes from clonal bud banks across resource gradients: colonizing diploid outperforms polyploid. Meeting Abstract. International Symposium on Aquatic Plants proceedings.
Adaptive management of perennial pepperweed for endangered specias and tidal marsh recovery
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Trait responses of invasive aquatic macrophyte congeners: colonizing diploid outperforms polyploid
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grewell, B.J., Skaer Thomason, M.J., Futrell, C.J., Iannucci, M., Drenovsky, R. 2016. Trait responses of invasive aquatic Ludwigia congeners (Onagraceae): effects of ploidy and resource availability. AoB Plants. 8:plw014. doi :10.1093/aobpla/plw014.
Clonal integration in Ludwigia hexapetala under different light regimes
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Glover, R., Drenovsky, R., Futrell, C.J., Grewell, B.J. 2015. Clonal integration in Ludwigia hexapetala under different light regimes. Aquatic Botany. 122:40-46.