Halee J Hughes
Plant Stress and Germplasm Development Research
Biological Science Technician
Phone: (806) 749-5560
ext. 5226
Fax: (806) 723-5272
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Registration of sorghum nested association mapping population in BTx623 background as pre-breeding germplasm for early season cold tolerance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Translational genetics for climate smart and sustainable sorghums
- (Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Hughes, H.J., Chen, J., Payton, P.R. 2022. Translational genetics for climate smart and sustainable sorghums. 2022 ARS-TTU Research Conference Highlights.
Genetics of enhanced sink capacity in sorghum
- (Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Hughes, H.J., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Payton, P.R. 2022. Genetics of enhanced sink capacity in sorghum. Crop Science Society of America.
Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum
- (Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Sanchez, J., Hayes, C.M., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Hughes, H.J., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2019. Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum. Plant Biology Annual Meeting. 1.
Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum
- (Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Sanchez, J., Hayes, C.M., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Hughes, H.J., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2019. Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. online. https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/121832.
Marker assisted selection in sorghum using KASP assay for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism/insertion deletion
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burow, G.B., Chopra, R., Hughes, H.J., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2018. Marker assisted selection in sorghum using KASP assay for detection of single nucleotide polymorphism/insertion deletion. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1931:75-84. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-9039-9_6.
Cold tolerance in juvenile sorghum is associated with root traits and is influenced by accumulation of soluble sugars
- (Abstract Only)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Sanchez, J., Hughes, H.J., Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J. 2016. Cold tolerance in juvenile sorghum is associated with root traits and is influenced by accumulation of soluble sugars [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 45(2):56.
Marker-assisted backcross approach for important agronomic traits of sorghum
- (Abstract Only)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Hughes, H.J., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M. 2016. Marker-assisted backcross approach for important agronomic traits of sorghum [abstract]. 2016 Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America. p. 38.
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