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St. Paul, Minnesota
Kianian, Shahryar
Research Leader
(612) 625-4249
St. Paul, MN 55108

The St. Paul, MN, Location comprises three Units: Cereal Disease Lab. (CDL), Plant Science Research (PSR), & Soil & Water Management Research (SWMR). The research mission of the CDL is to improve rust resistance in wheat & oat, monitor virulence in populations of cereal rusts throughout the U.S.A., & develop basic knowledge of the epidemiology, genetics, physiology, & molecular biology of cereal-rust interactions that will lead to control of these diseases. The mission of the PSR is to develop new knowledge that expands our understanding of the fundamental processes controlling increased production, improved quality, and enhanced use of alfalfa, oat, soybean, and wheat and to utilize this knowledge to develop germplasm and crop management schemes that lead to increased farm profitability and sustainability of the nation's resource base. The mission of the SWMR is is to develop and test agricultural management practices that improve water and soil quality while maintaining or enhancing productivity of cropping systems. These understandings & models are applicable whenever soil is managed by tillage to prevent groundwater contamination.

  Midwest Area
    St. Paul, Minnesota
Location Support Staff
Cereal Disease Research
Plant Science Research
Soil and Water Management Research
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)