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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Wenatchee, Washington » Physiology and Pathology of Tree Fruits Research » Wenatchee Campus Doc Folder » Collaborative Research

with scientists at the Washington State University Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center in Wenatchee, as well as with other departments on the main WSU campus in Pullman, WA.


with other university scientists from: Oregon State University (Hood River, Medford, Corvallis), University of Idaho (Moscow, Parma), University of California (Parlier, Davis), North Carolina State University, Lewis and Clark College (Portland, OR), Colorado State University (Grand Junction), University of Massachusetts (Amherst); Clarkson University (Potsdam, New York) and Cornell University (Geneva, New York).


with other USDA scientists from Corvallis, OR; Yakima, WA; Winter Haven, FL; and Beltsville, MD.


with scientists at foreign institutions from Agriculture Canada, Summerland, BC, Canada; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; DSIR, Australia; Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand; University of Talca, Talca, Chile; and Epagri, Cacador SC, Brazil.


with regulatory and action agencies, primarily USDA-APHIS, on phytosanitary issues (such as fire blight) related to foreign markets.