Science Results (Summer 2005) |
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Tracing sediment dynamics and sources in eroding rills with rare earth elements
T.W. Lei
Q. W. Zhang
J. Zhao
M. A. Nearing
Rates of soil erosion are quite variable from place to place in the field. In order to most effectively develop plans for conserving soil we need to know where on the field the erosion is most critical. Some of our models of soil erosion give conservation planners estimates of this variability (of where the greatest erosion occurs in the field), but data to verify such models is severely limited. The purpose of this study was to develop a method whereby sediment particles could be tracked so that we can identify where the particles originate, how far they move, and which ones leave the field. Thus we developed a method using special chemicals called Rare Earth Elements, which bind strongly to soil and sediment particles and can be measured in sediment and soil samples. This kind of data is unique in the world and an important advance for the science of soil erosion and conservation. The Rare Earth Element technique has been applied previously on plots and small watersheds. In this study we applied the method to individual rills in order to help understand the basic processes of soil erosion. This will help us to develop better technologies for both predicting soil erosion and for developing measures to control erosion in order to protect this valuable resource for use by future generations to produce food and fiber.
Watershed monitoring and research at the Walnut Gulch Experimental
M.H. Nichols
M.A. Nearing
Understanding of hydrology and sediment movement is important to all areas of the world, but none more so than in arid and semi-arid regions where water is a scarce resource. In 1953 the USDA initiated an outdoor laboratory in southeastern
Amino acid enrichment following soybean in an
D.A. Martens
D.B. Jaynes National Soil Tilth Laboratory
T.S. Colvin National Soil Tilth Laboratory
T.C. Kaspar National Soil Tilth Laboratory
D.L. Karlen National Soil Tilth Laboratory
Soil nitrogen (N) is composed of an organic fraction and an inorganic or mineral N fraction. The mineral fraction can account for up to 5% of the total soil N with the remaining 95%, an organic fraction composed of amino acids, amino sugars and unidentified N compounds. Understanding the amount of organic N that cycles to mineral N would provide scientists a way to predict the amount of N the soil could provide, potentially limiting the over application of N fertilizers. Ten
Comparison of responses from multiple soil moisture sensors installed in a semi-arid shrub dominated rangeland site.
G.P. Paige
T.O. Keefer
Soil water is an important feature for agriculture management, water resource engineering and the science of hydrology. Soil moisture, the amount of water held in the soil as a percentage of the volume of the soil, can be difficult to accurately measure, especially in rangeland soils such as those covering much of the semi-arid western US. There are several distinct types of soil moisture sensors which are in general use and which measure soil moisture adequately in specific types of soils, especially those conducive to agricultural crops. However, adapting those sensors to be used in rangeland soils can be challenging because of high rock content and low moisture contents. Three different types of soil moisture sensors were compared to each other and to the results of two different types of computer models in semi-arid rangeland conditions in southeastern
Ecosystem water use efficiency in a rangeland shrub and grass plant
W.E. Emmerich
Plant uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce the atmospheric concentration is tied to the ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE) of different plant communities. EWUE is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide taken up to the amount of water lost through evapotranspiration (ET). Knowing the EWUE of plant communities is important to the understanding of how they take up carbon and interact. The uptake of carbon dioxide and the loss of water was measured at a shrub and grass site in
Inferences of all-sky irradiance using terra and AGUA MODIS and GOES-10 satellite data
R. Houborg
W. E. Emmerich
M.S. Moran
Solar radiation is the driving force for the world energy and carbon dioxide budgets. Being able to estimate solar radiation continuously at all point on the earth surface will greatly increase our ability to understand climate and associated climate change. Presently we have estimates from individual measurement points. This work was able to take satellite remote sensing data that is available for entire earth surface and through modeling make close estimates to the actual measurements made for solar radiation at many locations in southern
Empirical analysis and prediction of nitrate loading and crop yield for a corn-soybean rotation
R. Malone Agricultural Land and Watershed Mgmt. Research
L. Ma
D.L. Karlen Soil and Water Quality Research
T.G. Meade Agricultural Land and Watershed Mgmt. Research
P. Heilman
R.S. Kanwar
J.L. Hatfield National Soil Tilth Research Laboratory
Crop yield and nitrate nitrogen losses through subsurface drainage are determined by multiple climatic and management variables; however the interactive affect of these variables is not well understood. Simple equations that predict nitrate loading and crop yield as a function of important variables may improve our understanding of agricultural systems. Therefore, we developed regression equations to predict crop yield, nitrate concentration, drainage volume, and nitrate loading from a corn and soybean rotation in response to rainfall amount, N source, N rate, and timing of N application in northeastern
AGWA design documentation: Migrating to ARCGIS and the internet
A. Cate
D. Semmens
I. Burns
D.C. Goodrich
W.G. Kepner
Planning and assessment in land and water resource management are evolving from simple, local-scale problems toward complex, spatially explicit regional ones. Such problems have to be addressed with spatially distrubuted models that can compute runoff and erosion over a range of watershed sizes and lengths of time. The extensive data requirements and the difficult task of building model input files, however, have long represented an obstacle to the timely and cost-effective use of such complex models by resource managers. In addition, to evaluate mangment practices and their impacts on water quality, land and resource managers need to describe and simulate the impacts of land use and best management conservation practices on watershed response. The
Sensitivity of riparian ecosystems to moisture pulses in semiarid environments
D.G. Williams
T.E. Huxman
D.C. Goodrich
G. Lin
How the structure and functioning of riparian vegetation in arid and semiarid basins depends on different hydrological processes is not well understood. In order to begin to better understand these dependencies, this paper brings together the findings of various studies conducted along the
D.C. Olk Soil and Water Quality Research
D.A. Martens
Nitrogen (N) is essential to crop growth. Most nitrogen in the soil is bound in stable organic molecules. Some of this organic nitrogen is slowly released from the organic molecules as inorganic forms that are immediately available to the crop. This inorganic pool is a vital supply of nitrogen to a growing crop. Identification of the chemical structures of the organic nitrogen molecules would allow better understanding of the gradual release of organic N and contribute to improved management of this large nutrient pool. However, current laboratory analyses allow identification of only half of all organic nitrogen molecules in soil. A newly developed laboratory analysis identifies more than 80 percent of all organic nitrogen molecules in soil. This report explains the steps and analytical instruments that are involved in the new procedure. Use of this procedure will enable scientists to better understand the factors of nitrogen cycling in the soil, possibly leading to more precise fertilizer rates and less environmental contamination by excess nitrogen.
Speciation of selenium (IV) and selenium (VI) using coupled
S.R. Goldberg Soil and Water Chemistry Research
D.A. Martens
H.S. Forster Soil and Water Chemistry Research
M.J. Herbel UC Riverside
Selenium is an essential trace element that can be toxic to animals at elevated concentrations. It occurs in two oxidation states, selenium(IV) and selenium(VI). The selenium(IV) oxidation state is considered to be more toxic than the selenium(VI) state. For this reason, analytical methods must differentiate between the two states. A rapid continuous flow-through method has been developed to quantitate selenium according to oxidation state at the part per billion level of concentration. Since selenium may be present in elevated amounts in soil solution and drainage waters, its accurate analysis is important. This method can be used by researchers, action and regulatory agencies to identify waters high in selenium, as well as to identify the dominant selenium oxidation state.