Most Important Manuals/Reports/Bulletins from the SWRC |
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This list is primarily agency published material that requires more space than is typically allocated to journal papers. These publications have had various levels of peer-review.
- Walthall, C., J. Hatfield, L. Lengnick, E. Marshall, P. Backlund, M. Walsh, S. Adkins, M. Aillery, E. Ainsworth, C. Ammann, C. Anderson, I. Bartomeus, L. Baumgard, D. Blumenthal, F. Booker, B. Bradley, J. Bunce, K. Burkey, S. Dabney, J. Delgado, J. Dukes, A. Funk, K. Garrett, M. Glenn, D. Grantz, D. Goodrich, S. Hu, C. Izaurralde, R. Jones, S-H. Kim, A. Leakey, K. Lewers, T. Mader, A. McClung, J. Morgan, L. Morton, D. Muth, M. Nearing, D. Oosterhuis, D. Ort, C. Parmesan, W. Pettigrew, W. Polley, R. Rader, C. Rice, M. Rivington, E. Rosskopf, W. Salas, L. Sollenberger, R. Srygley, C. St?ckle, E. Takle, D. Timlin, J. White, R. Winfree, L. Wright-Morton, and L. Ziska 2012. Climate Change and Agriculture: Effects and Adaptation. USDA Technical Bulletin 1935. Washington, D.C.
- Peter Kareiva, Mary Ruckelshaus, Katie Arkema, Gary Geller, Evan Girvetz, Dave Goodrich, Erik Nelson, Virginia Matzek, Malin Pinsky, Walt Reid, Martin Saunders, Darius Semmens, Heather Tallis in Michelle D. Staudinger, Nancy B. Grimm, Amanda Staudt, Shawn L. Carter, F. Stuart Chapin III, Peter Kareiva, Mary Ruckelshaus, Bruce A. Stein. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services: Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment. Chapter 4. Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services, Cooperative Report to the 2013 National Climate Assessment. 296 p.
- Levick, L.R., Fonseca, J., Goodrich, D.C., Hernandez, M., Semmens, D., Stromberg, J., Leidy, R.A., Scianni, M., Guertin, D.P., Tluczek, M., Kepner, W.G. 2008. The Ecological and Hydrological Significance of Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams in the Arid and Semi-arid American Southwest. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, Office of Water, San Francisco, CA.
- Leenhouts, J., Scott, R.L., Stromburg, J. 2006. Hydrologic requirements of and evapotranspiration by riparian vegetation along the San Pedro River, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2005-5163, 154
- Burns, I.S., Scott, S., Levick, L., Hernandez, M., Goodrich, D.C., Miller, S.N., Semmens, D.J., Kepner, W.G. 2002. Automated geospatial watershed assessment (AGWA) - A GIS-based hydrologic modeling tool: Documentation and User Manual. USDA Misc. Pub., Software and User Manual Public Release.
- Renard, K.G., Foster, G.A., Weesies, G.A., McCool, D.K., Yoder, D.C. 1997. Predicting soil erosion by water: A guide to conservation planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). USDA-ARS Agric. Handbook No. 703, 384 p.
- Woolhiser, D.A., Smith, R.E., Goodrich, D.C. 1990. KINEROS, a kinematic runoff and erosion model: Documentation and user manual. U. S. Depart. of Agric., Agric. Res. Service, ARS-77, 130 p.
- Lane, L.J. and Nearing, M.A. 1989. USDA - Water Erosion Prediction Project: Hillslope Profile Model Documentation. NSERL Report No. 2.
- Osborn, H.B. 1983. Precipitation characteristics affecting hydrologic response of southwestern rangelands. USDA-ARS Agric. Reviews and Manuals, ARM-W-34, 55 p.
- Smith, R.E., Chery, D.L., Jr., Renard, K.G., Gwinn, W.R . 1982. Supercritical flow flumes for measuring sediment-laden flow. USDA-ARS Tech. Bull. No. 1655, 70 p.
- Simanton, J.R., Renard, K.G. 1982. Seasonal change in infiltration and erosion from USLE plots in southeastern Arizona. Hydrology and Water Resour. in Arizona and the Southwest, Office of Arid Land Studies, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson 12:37-46.
- Knisel, W.G., Editor. 1980. CREAMS: A field-scale model for chemical runoff and erosion from agricultural management systems. USDA-SEA Cons. Res. Report No. 26, 643 p.
- Brakensiek, D. L., Osborn, H. B., Rawls, W.J. , 1979, Field manual for research in agricultural hydrology, Agricultural Handbook #224, USDA
- Chery, D.L., Jr., Osborn, H.B. 1971. Rain gage network reports. Chpt. (1) Location 63; Chpt. (8) Location 64. Agric. Res. Service Precipitation Res. Facilities and Related Studies, D.M. Hershfield (ed.), USDA-ARS 41-176, pp. 1-14, 57-63.
- Renard, K.G. 1970. The hydrology of semiarid rangeland watersheds. USDA-ARS 41-162, 26 p.