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Matthew Conley
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Plant Physiology & Genetics Research Unit

USDA-ARS, Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center


Matthew Conley

Physical Science Technician

Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center

21881 North Cardon Lane

Maricopa, Arizona 85239


520-316-6330 (FAX)



B.S. Environmental Resources (range/wildlife), Arizona State University, 1996

College of Engineering and Applied Science,

School of Architecture and Environmental Planning

Undeclared graduate studies, Department of Geography (GIS), 2003-2006


Technical Responsibilities:

Install and maintain scientific apparatus and instruments such as micrometeorological sensor arrays, logging equipment, and infrared heaters. Collect and process air, water, soil and vegetative samples. Manage physical resources ranging from precision sensors to heavy equipment. Record, tabulate, analyze, model, graph, and animate data using ArcGIS, Excel, VBA, Fortran, Python, SAS and SigmaPlot. Additional responsibilities include manual labor, safety, EEO, problem solving, team work and skill-set enhancement.


Outreach Note:

Science and technology drive multiple sectors and offer vast opportunity. ARS is a great agency in which to work, learn and develop. If you are a person interested in agricultural research or education and have questions regarding the field, I would be glad to provide answers of a technical or vocational nature.