2005 Events |
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On March 30, 2005, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Fisheries Program Director presented an award to Dr. Frederic Barrows for his accomplishments in cooperative research with the Bozeman Fish Technology Center.
APRIL 12, 2005
The USDA-ARS, University of Idaho, and the USDA-NRCS at Aberdeen, ID hosted an all day event for 21 students and their mentors. DNA extractions, greenhouse planting, making bread, and learning about our environment and bugs were a few of the experiments that they participated in. The event was a success and enjoyed by all. Thanks to the USDA-ARS EEO Committee: Rich Novy, Anne Sturbaum, Susan Bowles, Charlotte Burton, and Mike Bonman for the organization of this event.
On March 30 a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new Advanced Genetics Laboratory addition to the National Small Grains Research Facility. Below are the ARS news release describing the proceedings and several photos from the event.
ARS News Service
Agricultural Research Service, USDA
ABERDEEN, Idaho --A groundbreaking ceremony was held today for a new high-tech addition to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Small Grains Germplasm Research Facility in Aberdeen, Idaho. "The new laboratory addition will provide much-needed space for our scientists and their University of Idaho counterparts and partners involved in plant genetics and plant breeding experiments," said Edward B. Knipling, administrator of USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). ARS is USDA's chief in-house scientific research agency. "These scientists excel in finding plant genes that provide prized traits, such as superior resistance to disease. Their studies have resulted in better barleys, more nutritious oats, superior potatoes for baking or processing, and wheats ideally suited for growing on western farmland," Knipling said.
The 12,000-square-foot addition will be called the Advanced Genetics Laboratory. Scheduled for completion in about a year, the $5.1 million addition will match the exterior design of the main laboratory, which was completed in 1987 and is located within a research compound owned and managed by the University of Idaho. ARS has a 99-year lease for two acres within the compound.
Scheduled speakers at the event include Senator Larry E. Craig of Idaho; Rodney Brown, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics; and ARS Associate Administrator Antoinette A. Betschart. In addition to breeding superior potatoes and grain-bearing plants, the ARS scientists at the lab manage a renowned collection of the world's wheat, rice, oat, barley, rye, triticale and other grassy plants that collectively are known as small grains. This unique assortment includes these species' rare and wild relatives, and safeguards the genetic diversity of these plants.
Dr. Mike Bonman, Research Leader for ARS Aberdeen, greets Senator Larry Craig |
Dr. Mike Bonman, welcomes guests to the National Small Grains Research Facility
Dr. Antoinette Betschart, Associate Administrator for the ARS outlines ARS partnership with the University of Idaho and with the Agricultural industry |
Dr. Rodney Brown, Deputy Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics, describes recent accomplishments of the Aberdeen Unit
Senator Larry Craig emphasizes the vital importance of research in maintaining the competitiveness of US Agriculutre
Dr. Antoinette Betschart, Senator Larry Craig, Deputy Undersecretary Rodney Brown, Mayor Morgan Anderson, and Idaho Barley Commissioner Evan Hayes |
Dr. Greg Bohach, Director of the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station, comments on University -ARS partnership during the groundbreaking ceremony |
Hans Hayden, Idaho Wheat Commissioner from District 5, comments on the importance of the new facility to wheat research efforts |
Dr. David Hoffman, research geneticist, discusses research on molecular mapping of barley and oat with visitors to the groundbreaking ceremony |
Victor Raboy, Research Geneticist, and Kelly Olson, Idaho Barley Commission Administrator, discuss barley research |
Evan Hayes, Idaho Barley Commissioner from District 3, commenting on barley research efforts at ARS-Aberdeen
Advanced Genetics Laboratory Groundbreaking Ceremony |
"Congratulations to John Rutger for being named the 2004 PWA Employee of the Year in the Wage Grade category. This award recognizes John's outstanding contributions to the Unit. John is the third person from the Unit to recently receive an area-wide award. Kathy Burrup was previously recognized as the PWA Location Administrative Office of the year in 2003 and Dr. Ken Overturf was awarded the Early Career Research Scientist of the Year from the PWA in 2004."