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ARS at Work - Southern Insect Management Research Unit
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ARS scientists, researchers, and support staff across the country continue to work through this challenging time. Researchers and technicians at the Southern Insect Management Research Unit in Stoneville, MS, maintain pests that commonly cause damage to southern crops in an effort to generate new knowledge of arthropod pest biology, ecology, and management and integrate this knowledge into contemporary farming systems.

1)	Researchers in a lab working with stink bugs
Researcher using a steam jacket kettle to prepare an artificial diet for moth colonies.
Researcher looking at fungus forms spores

ARS scientists, researchers, and support staff across the country continue to work through this challenging time. Researchers and technicians at the Southern Insect Management Research Unit in Stoneville, MS, maintain pests that commonly cause damage to southern crops in an effort to generate new knowledge of arthropod pest biology, ecology, and management and integrate this knowledge into contemporary farming systems. Shown here: 1) Post-doc Moukaram Tertuliano and student Kelnisha Westbrook examine the effect of a fungus on the fertility of the southern green stink bug (SGSB)– a common pest of southern crops. 2) Biological Science Technician Henry Winter uses a steam jacket kettle to prepare an artificial diet for moth colonies. 3) Biological Science Technician Tabatha Nelson evaluates how fungus forms spores after being applied to adult SGSBs.