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Workplace Violence
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The expectation is that each employee will treat all other employees, as well as customers and potential customers of USDA's programs, with dignity and respect. You can and should expect management to care about your safety and to provide as safe a working environment as possible by taking preventive measures in place and, if necessary, by dealing immediately with threatening or potentially violent situations.

 Homicide pie chart

Many reasons may be sited for workplace violence, among them:

  • Pressure and stress of modern life - economic, social, and psychological - that can build up over time and drive people over the edge
  • Some individuals may view violence as a way to deal with their frustrations and a way to solve their problems
  • A culture in which violence is tolerated and even gloried in many ways
  • Easy availability of weapons

Click Here to Start the Workplace Violence Refresher slideshow.

Click Here to Start the Workplace Violence Quiz.