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Electrical Safety
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Why Worry about Electricity?

Deaths. Electrocutions rank FOURTH (9%) in causes of industrial FATALITIES (behind traffic, violence and construction). The National Safety council estimates 600 people die every year of electrical causes. Most of these accidents involve low voltage (600 volts or less).

Electricity is used everywhere in the laboratory. Take a look around. How many electrical instruments and devices do you see? Some are more common ones include balances, fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, light fixtures, telephones, centrifuges, refrigerators, heating mantles, autoclaves, computers, chromatographs....You can probably name more. With all this apparatus lying around, you really need to respect electricity.

Effects on your body:

A small night-light with a 6-watt bulb draws .05 ampere, and even that small amount of current can be fatal. Here are some effects, of current (in milli amps) passing through a 150 pound body (note that perception is only .5 to 1.5 milli amps): 

Electric Shock Chart 

Electricity is an integral part of today's modern world, and sometimes it is easy to forget just how dangerous it can be. Given the correct circumstances, it can kill. But it can also shock you painfully, damage sensitive equipment, and ignite combustible materials.

This training module will cover some basic safety rules you should follow in regards to electrical safety. This training is basically for those who are unqualified to be electricians, but whose work may be performed close to electrical systems.

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