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TEM: Hitachi 7700:
The transmission electron microscope (TEM) operates on the same basic principles as a light microscopy but uses a high-energy electron beam instead of visible light and electromagnetic lenses instead of glass lenses. As a result the TEM is one of the most powerful electron microscopes available today. For optimal images, samples must be thin enough to be partially electron transparent, allowing the electron “shadow-image” to be viewed on a fluorescent screen or on a camera sensor. At the ECMU our TEM capabilities provide us with high resolution images at magnifications up to 300,000x and at resolutions up to 0.2 nm. Specimens such as solutions of bacteria or viruses can be isolated and viewed directly, while larger specimens such as plant or animal tissues require extensive processing in order to obtain ultrathin sections. The TEM provides researchers with an ability to view samples at a level of detail that would otherwise be impossible and serves as a critical resource for a wide range of research applications.