Nathan A. Cobb's Publications |
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Nathan A. Cobb's Publications
Compiled by A. Morgan Golden and Donna Ellington January 13, 1997
- Blanchard, F. C. 1957. Nathan A. Cobb, botanist and zoologist, a pioneer scientist in Australia.Asa Gray Bull. 3:205-272.
- Cobb, N. A. An eelworm disease in the Pacific Northwest.USDA Office of Information, Mim. Circular.
- Cobb, N. A. Gallworm attacks Southern vegetable and flower gardens.USDA Office of Information, Mim. Circular.
- Cobb, N. A. Regarding mermithid parasites of insects. (Mim. paper - map on reverse side.)
- Cobb, N. A. 1887. A List of Plants Found Growing Wild Within Thirty Miles of Amherst. Northampton, MA: S. E Bridgeman & Co. 151 pp.
- Cobb, N. A. 1888. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Ontogenie der Nematoden. Dissertation. 36 pp. andJenaische Ztschr. Naturw. 23, 16:41-76.
- Cobb, N. A. 1889. Neue Parasitische Nematoden. (In Kukenthal.Beitrage zur Fauna Spitsbergens). Arch. Naturgesch. 55, 1:149-159.
- Cobb, N. A. 1889. The differentiator.Am. Nat. 23:745-747.
- Cobb, N. A. 1890. A nematode formula.Agric. Gaz. NSW1:131-136.
- Cobb, N. A. 1890.Anticoma: a genus of free-living marine nematodes.Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 5:765-774.
- Cobb, N. A. 1890. Arabian nematodes.Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 5:449-468.
- Cobb, N. A. 1890. Oxyuris larvae hatched in the human stomach under normal conditions.Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 5:168-185.
- Cobb, N. A. 1890. Report on the occupation of the table for research in the Zoological station at Naples.Dept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 59 (1889):97-100.
- Cobb, N. A. 1890. Two new instruments for biologists.Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 5:157-167.
- Cobb, N. A 1890.Tylenchus and rootgall.Agric. Gaz. NSW 1:155-184.
- Cobb, N. A. 1891. Notes on the diseases of plants.Sydney (Australia):Charles Potter, Government Printer Pamphlet, 9 pp.
- Cobb, N. A. 1891. Hair-worm (Gordiussp.).Agric. Gaz. NSW2:213-214.
- Cobb, N. A. 1891.Onyx andDipeltis: new nematode genera, with a note onDorylaimus.Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 6: 143-158.
- 19. Cobb, N. A. 1891. Parasites in the stomach of a cow.Agric. Gaz. NSW 2:614-615.
- 20. Cobb, N. A. 1891. Strawberry bunch, a new disease caused by nematodes.Agric. Gaz. NSW 2:390-401 andDept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 3.
- Cobb, N. A. 1891. The devastating eel-worm (Tylenchus devastatrixKuhn).Agric. Gaz. NSW 2:679-682 andDept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 9:1-8.
- Cobb, N. A. 1892. Banana disease in Fiji.Bull. Misc. Info., Royal Gardens, Kew (London), pp. 48-49.
- Cobb, N. A. 1892. Contributions to an economic knowledge of Australian rusts (Uredineae). Agric. Gaz. NSW 3:181-212.
- Cobb, N. A. 1893. Plant diseases and their remedies.Agric. Gaz. NSW 4:808-833. (Nematode worms found attacking sugar-cane.Agric. Gaz. NSW 4:31-56.)
- Cobb, N. A. 1893. Nematodes, mostly Australian and Fijian.Dept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 13:3-59.
- Cobb, N. A. 1893. Nematode worms found attacking sugar-cane.NSW Agric. Dept., pp. 31-56.
- Cobb, N. A. 1894. Improving wheats by selection.Agric. Gaz. NSW 5:239-257.
- Cobb. N. A. 1894.Tricoma and other new nematode generaProc. Linn. Soc. NSW8:389-421.
- Cobb, N. A. 1895. Notes on the form and size of the grain in different varieties of wheat.Agric. Gaz. NSW 6:744-751.
- Cobb. N. A. 1895. The cause of gumming disease in sugar caneAgric. Gaz. NSW6:683-689.
- Cobb, N. A. 1896. Notes on the threshing of wheat.Agric. Gaz. NSW 7:82-83.
- Cobb, N. A. 1896. The hot-air treatments of bunt or stinking smut.Agric. Gaz. NSW7:204-208.
- Cobb, N. A. 1897. Letters on the diseases of plants.Agric. Gaz. NSW 8:208-252. (Gall worm.Agric. Gaz. NSW 8:235-244.)
- Cobb, N. A. 1897. The cause of an important apple disease.Agric. Gaz. NSW 8:126-127.
- Cobb, N. A. 1897. The sheep-fluke.Agric. Gaz. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 167.
- Cobb, N. A. 1897. A method of using the microscope.Agric. Gaz. NSW 8:130-134 andJ. R. Microsc. Soc., pp. 433-438.
- Cobb, N. A. 1898. Australian free-living marine nematodes.Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 23:383-407.
- Cobb, N. A. 1898. Extract from MS report on the parasites of stock.Agric. Gaz. NSW9:296-321 andDept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 215:1-62.
- Cobb, N. A. 1899. Testing the speed of a photographic lens shutter.J. Worcester (Mass.) Polytech. Inst. 2:202-208.
- Cobb, N. A. 1901. Root-gall.Agric. Gaz. NSW 12:1041-1052 and Dept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 495:1-12.
- Cobb, N. A. 1901. A new eel-worm infesting the roots of passion-vine.Agric. Gaz. NSW12:1115-1117 andDept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 503:1-3.
- Cobb, N. A. 1902. Internal structure of the gall-worm.Agric. Gaz. NSW 13:1031-1033.
- Cobb, N. A. 1902. The nematode formula.Agric. Gaz. NSW 13:1023-1030 andDept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 601:1-8.
- Cobb, N. A. 1903. Seed Wheat: an investigation and discussion of the relative value as seed of large plump and small shrivelled grains.Agric. Gaz. NSW, Misc. Publ.No. 625.
- Cobb, N. A. 1904. Free-living freshwater New Zealand nematodes.Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 12:363-374.
- Cobb, N. A. 1904. Parasites as an aid in determining organic relationship.Agric. Gaz. NSW 15:845-848 andDept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ. No. 788:1-4.
- Cobb, N. A. 1905. Microscope, camera-lucida and solar projector.J. R. Microsc. Soc., pp. 496-508.
- Cobb, N. A. 1905. The inspection and disinfection of cane cuttings.Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assoc. Div. Path. And Physiol. Bull. No. 1.
- Cobb, N. A. 1905. Universal nomenclature of wheat.Dept. Agric. NSW, Misc. Publ.No. 539.
- Cobb, N. A. 1906. Construction and fittings of a microscope room. (Extracts fromRept. Exp. Stn. Commun. Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc. 1904/05, pp. 39-59)J. R. Microsc. Soc., pp. 496-508.
- Cobb, N. A. 1906. Fungus maladies of the sugar cane with notes on associated insects and nematodes.Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc., Div. Pathol. Physiol., Bull. 5:1-254 (Free living nematodes inhabiting the soil about the roots of cane, and their relation to root diseases.Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc., Div. Pathol. Physiol., Bull. 5:163-195.)
- Cobb, N. A. 1906. Free living nematodes inhabiting the soil about the roots of cane, and their relation to root diseases.Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc., Div. Pathol. Physiol., Bull. 5:163-195.
- Cobb, N. A. 1909. Fungus maladies of the sugar cane.Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc., Div. Pathol. Physiol., Bull. 6:1-110. (Nematodes.Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc., Div. Pathol. Physiol., Bull. 6:51-73.)
- Cobb, N. A. 1911. Note on abundance of nemas in soil.Science 33:198.
- Cobb, N. A. 1912. An accurate method of measuring cotton staples.Natl. Assoc. Cotton Manuf., Boston. 26 pp.
- Cobb, N. A. 1912. Further notes onTricoma.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 2:480-484.
- Cobb, N. A. 1912. Memorandum of information concerning official cotton grades.USDA, Burl Plant Ind., Doc. 720.
- Cobb, N. A. 1912. Methods of collecting - fixation - traces of segmentation - a separate branch of science.Science35:756.
- Cobb, N. A. 1913.Draconema: a remarkable genus of marine free-living nematodes.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3:145-149.
- Cobb, N. A. 1913. New nematodes genera found inhabiting fresh water and non-brackish soils.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3:432-444.
- Cobb N. A. 1913. New terms for the lateral organs and ventral gland.Science 37:498.
- Cobb, N. A. 1913. Notes onMononchus andTylenchulus.J. Wash. Acad. Sci.3:287-288.
- Cobb, N. A. 1913. Notes on nematodes: "amphid", "rennette".Science 37:498-499.
- Cobb, N. A. 1913. United States official cotton grades.USDA, Burl Plant Ind., Circ. 109.
- Cobb, N. A. 1914. Antarctic marine free-living nematodes of the Shackleton Expedition.Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 1:1-31.
- Cobb, N. A. 1914. Citrus-root nematode.J. Agric. Res. 2:217-230.
- Cobb, N. A. 1914. Nematodes and their relationships.Yearbook Dept. Agric. 1914, pp. 457-490. Washington, DC: Dept. Agric.
- Cobb, N. A. 1914. Note on nematodes of the Shackleton Expedition.J. Parasitol. 1:52-53.
- Cobb, N. A. 1914. Rhabditin.J. Parasitol.1:40-41.
- Cobb, N. A. 1914. The North American free-living fresh-water nematodes. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 33:69-134 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 2:35-99.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915. A system for locating objects on microscope slides. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 34:189-190.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915. Note onBunonema.J. Parasitol. 1:200-203.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915. Notes on nematodes: parthenogenesis and syngonism - the spinneret.J. Parasitol. 2:95.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915. Note on Rhabditin and on air swallowing.J. Parasitol. 1:154-155.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915.Selachinema, a new nematode genus with remarkable mandibles.Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 4:113-116.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915. The asymmetry of the nematodeBunonema inaequale, n. sp.Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 3:101-112.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915. The control of root-knot.USDA Bull. 648.
- Cobb, N. A. 1915.Tylenchus similis, the cause of a root disease of sugar cane and banana.J. Agric. Res. 4:561-568.
- Cobb, N. A. in Merrill, J. H. and A. L. Ford. 1916. Life history and habits of two new nematodes parasitic on insects.J. Agric. Res. 6:115-127.
- Cobb, N. A. 1916. Masonary bases for the installation of microscopes and their accessories, including the camera lucida and the microscope camera.Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 35:7-22.
- Cobb, N. A. 1916. Methods of determining length of cotton staple and illustrations of their application. Read before Nat. Assoc. Cotton Manuf. At their 99th Meeting. Hotel Griswold, New London, Conn. Sept. 10, 1915.
- Cobb, N. A. 1916. Notes on filter-bed nematodes. l. Predaceous nematodes. 2. Syngonysm and parthenogenesis. 3. Revision of the genusCylindrolaimus. J. Parasitol. 2:198-199.
- Cobb, N. A. 1916. Notes on new genera and species of nematodes. 1. Antarctic nematodes. 2. Renette ofCephalobus. 3. A new form of nematode hermaphroditism. 4. Subdivisions of Mononchs. 5. Finder slides.J. Parasitol. 2:195-196.
- Cobb, N. A. 1917. A new parasitic nema found infesting cotton and potatoes.J. Agric. Res. 11:27-33.
- Cobb, N. A. 1917. Intra-vitem color reactions.Science 46:167-169.
- Cobb, N. A. 1917. Notes on nemas. 1. Segmentation of their organs, illustrated by three new free-living marine genera. 2. Intra-vitem color reactions. 3. The nema population of beach sand. 4. Locational terms for the cytology of descent. 5. Functions of the amphids.Contrib. Sci. Nematol.5:117-128.
- Cobb, N. A. 1917. The mononchs (Mononchus Bastian 1866), a genus of free-living predatory nematodes.Soil Sci. 3:431-486 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 6:129-184.
- Cobb, N. A. 1917. Segmentation in nematodes.Science 45:1171.
- Cobb, N. A. 1918. Estimating the nema population of the soil, with special reference to the sugar-beet and root-gall nemas,Heterodera schachtii Schmidt andHeterodera radicicola(Greef) Muller, and with a description ofTylencholaimus aequalis n. sp.USDA, Agr. Tech. Circ.1:1-47.
- Cobb, N. A. 1918. Filter-bed nemas: nematodes of the slow sand filter-beds of American cities (including new genera and species).Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 7:189-212.
- Cobb, N. A. 1918. Free-living nematodes.In: Ward, H. B., and G. C. Whipple.Freshwater biology. New York. Pp. 459-505.
- Cobb, N. A. 1919. A newly discovered nematodeAphelenchus cocophilus n. sp. connected with a serious disease of the coconut palm.West Indian Bull. 17:203-210.
- Cobb, N. A. 1919. A new nemaTylenchus musciola n. sp. said to cause a serious affection of the Bluggoe banana in Grenada British West Indies.West Indian Bull. 17:179-182.
- Cobb, N. A. 1919.Tetradonema plicans nov. gen. et spec., representing a new family, Tetradonematidae as now found parasitic in larvae of the midge-insectSciara coprophila Lintner.J. Parasitol. 5:176-185.
- Cobb, N. A. 1919. The orders and classes of nemas.Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 8:213-216.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. A newly discovered parasitic nematode (Tylenchus mahogani, n. sp.) connected with a disease of the mahogany tree.J. Parasitol. 6:188-191.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. Bursal formula forRhabditis. J. Parasitol. 7:198.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. Effect of X-rays on Heterodera radicicola. J. Parasitol. 7:101.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. Micro-technique, suggestions for methods and apparatus.Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 39:231-242.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. One hundred new nemas.Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 9:215-343.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. The use of the polariscope in determining the character of cell inclusions in nemas.J. Parasitol. 7:200.
- Cobb, N. A. 1920. Transference of nematodes (mononchs) from place to place for economic purposes.Science 51:640-641.
- Cobb, N. A. 1921.Anguillula silesiae in beer mats - in decayed peaches. J. Parasitol. 7:186.
- Cobb, N. A. 1921.Heterodera radicicola andRhabditis sp.J. Parasitol. 8:94.
- Cobb, N. A. 1921.Howardula benigna; a nematode parasite of the cucumber-beetle.Science 54:667-670 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 10:1-4.
- Cobb, N. A. 1921. Marionella (Eurystoma Marion, 1870); an emendation with notes on a new birefringent substance, marionellin, found in the intestinal cells.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 11:504-509 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 11:353-358.
- Cobb, N. A. 1921. Notes on nemas: disease of coconut palm - rhabditin - nemas of Stefansson Arctic Expedition.J. Parasitol. 7:195.
- Cobb, N. A. 1921. Notes onTylenchus penetrans andTylenchus devastatrix. J. Parasitol. 7:95.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922. A new species ofNygolaimus, an outstanding genus of theDorylaimidae. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12:417-421.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922.Greeffiella (Trichoderma Greeff, 1869; notTrichoderaSteph., 1835).J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12:229-303 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 12:359-362.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922. How certain apogeotropic nemas climb on a dry surface.J. Parasitol. 9:37.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922. Nemas and the introduction of plants.J. Parasitol. 8:95.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922. Note on coconut nema of Panama. J. Parasitol. 9:44.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922. Notes on the adhesion-tubes ofDraconema cephalatum. J.Parasitol.9:38.
- Cobb, N. A. 1922. Two tree-infesting nemas of the genusTylenchus. Ann. Zool. Aplicoda, Chile 9:27-35.
- Cobb, N. A., Steiner, G., & Christie, J. R. 1923.Agamermis decaudata Cobb, Steiner, and Christie; a nema parasite of grasshoppers and other insects.J. Agr. Res. 23:921-926.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. An amendation ofHoplolaimus Daday 1905, nec auctores.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 13:211-214 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 13:363-366.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. Interesting features in the anatomy of nemas.J. Parasitol. 9:242-243.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. Nematodes inhabiting trees.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 13:111.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. Note on the larvae ofNecator americanus. J. Parasitol. 9:246.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. Notes onParatylenchus, a genus of nemas.J. Wash. Acad. Sci.13:254-257 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 14:367-370.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. Observations on nemas. 1. Salivary glands of the nemic generaTylenchus andAphelenchus.2. The deirids ("cervical papillae") of nemas. 3. Revival of desiccated nemas. 4. Nemas strangled by fungi.J. Parasitol. 9:236-238.
- Cobb, N. A. 1923. The pharynx and alimentary canal of the hookworm larva -Necator americanus. J. Agr. Res. 25:359-361.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Amended characterization of the nemic generaCephalobus andAcrobeles. J. Parasitol. 11:108.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Five nematode notes. 1.Iota crotaloides n. sp. and the amphids of the Triplonchs. 2.Tylenchus dipsaci from South Africa. 3. Minute birefringents in living cells. 4. Removing nemas from the soil by floatation. 5. Neodiplogaster tropica n. g. (?) n. sp.J. Parasitol.11:102-105.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Food of rhabdites and their relatives, with descriptions of two new rhabdites and a new rhabditoid genus.J. Parasitol. 11:116-117, 119.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Four notes on nemas. 1. The amphids ofCaconema(nom. nov.) and other nemas. 2. Pores in the cuticula ofTrichinella spiralis. 3. A nema parasite of a nema. 4. A new illumination for high magnification.J. Parasitol. 11:118-121.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Interesting new genus of nemas inhabiting nests of tropical ants.J. Parasitol.10:209-210.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Notes.J. Parasitol.11:96.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Notes on the amphids of nemas. 1. The amphids ofIota. 2. The amphids ofStrongyloides. J. Parasitol.11:110-111.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. Observations on nemas. 1. Nemas on commercial seed. 2. GeneraCephalobus andAcrobeles. 3. Amphids on oxyurids. 4. Specialization in the cells of the intestine. 5. Small Syracuse watchglasses.J. Parasitol. 11:107-109.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. On jointed setae.J. Parasitol. 10:217.
- Cobb, N. A. 1924. The little nema a big farm problem. USDA (Press Service) (Mim. copy).
- Cobb, N. A. 1925. Biological relationships of the mathematical series 1, 2, 4, etc., with a description of a new nema,Tylenchus cancellatus. Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 15:371-374.
- Cobb, N. A. 1925. Comments on nemas. 1. A new mermithid infesting another nema. 2. Deceptive artificial light. 3.Rhabditis icosiensis, injurious in dewooling sheepskins. J. Parasitol. 11:217-219, 220.
- Cobb, N. A. 1925. Diseases and pests of fruits and vegetables. Nemic or nematode pests of fruits and vegetables.Yearbook Dept. Agric. 1925, pp. 575-584. Washington, DC: Dept. Agric.
- Cobb, N. A. 1925. Nemic spermatogenesis. J. Hered. 16:357-359.
- Cobb, N. A. 1925. Note onDeontolaimus papillatus de Man.J. Parasitol. 11:225-226.
- Cobb, N. A. 1925. Notes on nemas. 1. Repetitive lateral organs. 2. Axids and porids. 3. Differentiation of intestinal cells. 4. Structure and position of amphids. 5. Birefringents inSphaerolaimus. 5. Innervation of the anterior portion of the nema body. J. Parasitol. 11:222-223.
- Cobb, N. A. 1926. Nemas and recent progress in nematology research.Yearbook Dept. Agric. 1926, pp. 540-543. Washington, DC: Dept. Agric.
- Cobb, N. A. 1926. Nemic diseases of narcissus.USDA Off. Rec. 5:3.
- Cobb, N. A. 1926. The species of Mermis, a group of very remarkable nemas infesting insects.J. Parasitol. 13:66-72.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. A larval nema infesting copepods (Pachycyclops signatus) in fresh and salt ponds on Southeastern Massachusetts.J. Parasitol. 14:43-47.
- Cobb, N. A., & Steiner, G. 1927. A note on the nematode genusAphelenchus. J. Parasitol. 14:68.
- Cobb, N. A., & Christie, J. R. 1927. A preliminary note on the genusRhigonema (Isacis Skrjabin, 1914; (?) Isacis Baylis and Daubney 1926; neo Isacis Lespes 1856). Nemas inhabiting the intestine of Myriapods. J. Parasitol. 14:62.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. Note on a new nema,Aphelenchoides retusus, with a proposed division ofAphelenchus into three subgenera.J. Parasitol. 13:57-58.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. Notes. 1. A nematode parasite of a copepod. 2. Esophageal glands in aDiplogaster from Africa. 3. Results with the use of the thermolethe. J. Parasitol. 14:66-67.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. Notes. 1. A thermolethe, a device for fixing organisma. 2. Myolabia; hitherto undescribed pseudolabia. 3. Syngony in a new parasitic nema. 4. Locational terms for the cytology of descent.J. Parasitol. 14:64-65.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. The thermolethe; a device for using hot fixatives.Trans. Amer. Micro. Soc. 46:153.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. Three notes on nemas. 1. Tylenchus penetrans Cobb. 2. Nemic sperms of a new form. 3.Aphelenchus parietinus Bastian.J. Parasitol.14:71.
- Cobb, N. A. 1927. Tylenchus penetrans probable synonym ofTylenchus pratensis. J. Parasitol. 14:71.
- Cobb, N. A., Steiner, G., and Christie, J. R. 1927. When and how does sex arise? USDA, Official Record 6:6.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928. A new species of the nemic genusSyringolaimus; with a note on the fossorium of nemas. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 18:250-253 andContrib. Sci. Nematol.19:398-402.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928. A note onAphelenchus subtenuis. J. Parasitol. 15:68-69.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928.Howardula benigna; a nema parasite of the cucumber-beetle, (Diabrotica). Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 10:345-352.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928. Nemic spermatogenesis: with a suggested discussion of simple organisms.-Litobionts.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 18:37-50 andContrib. Sci. Nematol.16:375-387.
- Cobb, N. A. or Steiner, G. (determined by). 1928. Some specimens received. Pl. Dis. Rptr.12:10-11.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928. The screw-nemas,Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871; parasites of codfish, haddock and other fishes.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 18:96-102 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 17:388-393.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928. Three notes on nemas. 1. The fossores ofSyringolaimus. 2. Nematized teasel seed. 3. The amphids of the nemaPhysaloptera phrymosoma. J. Parasitol. 15:69-70.
- Cobb, N. A. 1928.Ungella secta n. gen., n. sp.; a nemic parasite of the Burmese Oligochaete (earthworm),Eutyphoeus rarus. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 18:197-200 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 18:394-397.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929.Cerascaris collare n. g., n. sp., a nemic parasite of the Caribbean fish,Gobiomorus maculatus. J. Parasitol. 15:287-289.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. Five notes on nemas. 1. The stem-nemaTylenchus dipsaci, its movement in commerce, and its reaction to hydrocyanic acid gas. 2. The nemic genusSphaerolaimus Bastian composed of carnivorous forms. 3. Nemas of the genusDorylaimus attacking the eggs of mites. 4. Characteristics of carnivorous free-living nemas, including predators. 5. Amphids of the mackerel nema.J. Parasitol. 15:283-285.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. Initial stratigraphic survey of nemas in the upper 20 mm. Of marine beach sand, near low tide mark.J. Wash. Acad. Sci.19:199-200 and Contrib. Sci. Nematol. 21:411-412.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. Observations on the morphology and physiology of nemas; including notes on new species. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19:283-286 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 23:419-422.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. Six notes on nemas. 1. Distribution of the stem nema in the USA. 2. Syngonism in oxyurids. 3.Stratigraphic distribution of nemas in marine sand. 4. The locomotion ofDraconema. 5. Hotwater treatment of root gall. 6. Notes on methods of combating the stem nema,Tylenchus dipsaci. J. Parasitol. 15:290-291.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. Spread ofTylenchus dipsaci in the US.J. Parasitol. 15:220-221.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. The ambulatory tubes and other features of the nemaDraconema cephalatum. J. Wash. Acad. Sci.19:255-260 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 22:413-418.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. The chromatropism ofMermis subnigrescens, a nemic parasite of grasshoppers.J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19:159-166 andContrib. Sci. Nematol. 20:403-410.
- Cobb, N. A. 1929. Three notes on nemas. 1. On conspicuous amphids inPhysaloptera turgidafrom the opossum. 2.Spiroxys amydae n. sp. 3.Physaloptersa phrynosoma Ortlepp, 1922 synonym ofSkrjabinoptera phrynosoma (Ortlepp, 1922).J. Parasitol. 15:217-218.
- Cobb, N. A. 1930. A nemic parasite of Pecten.J. Parasitol. 17:104-105.
- Cobb, N. A. 1930. Losses in slash pine seedlings due to nemas.J. Parasitol. 17:52.
- Cobb, N. A. 1930. Marine free-living nemas. Australasian Antarctic Exped., under the leadership of Sir Douglas Mawson. Sci. Repts., Ser. C, Zool. And Botany 6:1-28.
- Cobb, N. A. 1930. The demanian vessels in female nemas of the genusOncholaimus. J. Parasitol. 16:159-161.
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