61st annual USDA Honor Awards |
USDA Honor Award presented to:Ug99 Team to Combat New, Virulent Wheat and Barley Stem Rusts
Agricultural Research Service, St. Paul, Minnesota/Raleigh, North Carolina
Yue Jin* and David S. Marshall, Group Leaders
For excellence in rapid mobilization of research expertise and resources to assess vulnerability to Ug99 African wheat stem rust, resulting in early deployment of genetic resources to protect the nation's grain supply.
Group Members:
A. Rick Bennett, Harold E. Bockelman, J. Michael Bonman, Gina Brown-Guedira,
Martin L. Carson*, Blair J. Goates, Robert A. Graybosch, C. James Peterson,
Michael O. Pumphrey, M. K. W. Simmons, Les J. Szabo*, Steven S. Xu
* Cereal Disease Laboratory research scientists.
All Honor Awards recipients are listed on: USDA 61st Annual Awards.