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Simon: Trial: 2002cal_cello_n
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2002 California Carrot Trial Results

USDA California Carrot Trials 2002
Cello Trial - Entries Listed by Field Number

Number of Judges Placing in ClassFlavor2
EntryPedigree or NameSource 1  2  3  4  5 Mean1RankHS
C201Grower's ChoicePolonica4.510.532.92264.54
C204XPH 98W85Crookham41712.862955
C205(6333 x 8378) x 2254147-5112442.524553
C206SRC 3317Sun189.51.512.69353.54.5
C207(7241A x 2144B) x 7403B028-48761.96124
C208(2144 x 8503) x 8233171-7213.56.53.2133.54
C209(6274 x 5280) x 7403MjR-B820-435.5121.53.55653.5
C210(6366 x 2226) x 1137140-251162.055924
C211(6333 x 8233) x 2126145-7710.540.52.91273.53
C2125280A x 8378B032-71149.56.53.89143
C213Grower's ChoicePolonica486.53.53.43733.5
C214(6366 x 2226) x 5280154-7113623.4194.54
C2152144A x 2126B009-31497.50.53.11173.53
C217(2254 x 6333) x 2126145-4251222.673933.5
C218(6274 x 5280) x 8378815-4811.52.51.756323.5
C220S.C. x 7403MjR-B820-6510.56.53.07182.54
C221(6366 x 2226) x 7403169-224793.05203.53.5
C222HMX 5315Harris Moran61322.81312.54
C223(7241A x 2126B) x 0186135-21612.51.52.69364.53
C224(6333A x 8531B) x 8542B036-8487.50.52.23542.53
C225(6366 x 2226) x 8233171-6168.56.52.932533.5
C227(2566A x 5238C) x 2205B012-6431222.574442
C228(2126 x 2144) x 8233171-2316.52.51.98603.54
C230(2144 x 2126) x 2254147-41510.54.512.98223.53
C231(2566A x 6253B) x 7808B029-971232.82304.54
C232(6333 x 8483MjR) x 8233171-310.511.52.524623
C233HMX 1335Harris Moran19932.64424.54
C2342144A x 8503B034-431363.141654
C235(6366 x 2226) x 5494159-2210.59.52.34524.53
C236(2144 x 2126) x 9256180-478.54.522.07572.53
C238(2566 x 6333) x 5497160-610111.52644.54
C2392126A x 7808B029-348.56.522.315333.5
C240(2126 x 7808) x 8524176-4279.53.52.66403.53.5
C241XPH 99W19Crookham712.52.51.8622.53
C242(2144 x 2126) x 8524176-32109.50.52.395043
C243(2144 x 8503) x 2126145-65892.185643
C244HMX 6319Harris Moran211722.414934
C245(2144 x 2126) x 6526162-67.513.513.732.53
C246(2254 x 6333) x 2254147-6412.55.52.075834
C247XPH 97W87Crookham5893.18154.54
C248(6333 x 8542MjR) x 2254147-31710.52.52.693723.5
C249(6366 x 8378) x 8524176-538.510.53.34122.53
C250(6366 x 2205) x 5497160-41712.51.52.664124
C252(6333 x 8233) x 6526162-527.59.533.61533
C253(6366 x 5238) x 9256180-327.59.532.614344
C254(6333 x 8483MjR) x 2126145-3611.53.512.982354.5
C256(6366 x 5238) x 5497160-5171132.733353.5
C257(2144A x 2126B) x 1111137-425872.912843.5
C258(6366 x 2226) x 5492158-21117.52.52.524733
C260(6333 x 8483MjR) x 5497160-2298.51.52.454823
C261(7241 x 2126) x 8531177-2171132.733433
C262XPH 96W16Crookham110652.68384.53
C263(2144 x 8503) x 8524176-71127.51.53.43844
C264(6333A x 8233B) x 1111137-3128.58.523.391134

Average Score:

1Mean based on average of 22 judges: 1 = unacceptable, 2 = poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, 5 = excellent.
2Flavor (1 judge):H = Harshness: 1=Very harsh, 5=Very mild;
S = Sweetness: 1=Not sweet, 5=Very sweet