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2002 Reprints
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1026. Amundson, Gary, Julio Scursoni and Frank Forcella, Susceptability to glyphosate of weed escapes in glyphosate-tolerant soybean. 2002. North Central Weed Science Society Abstracts 57:127. PDF: 12 K.
1009. Archer, David, James Eklund, Michael Walsh and Frank Forcella. 2002. WEEDEM: A user-friendly software package for predicting annual ryegrass and wild radish emergence. In: H. Spafford Jacob, J. Dodd and J.H. Moore (eds.), WEEDS: "Threats Now & Forever?", 13th Australian Weeds Conference Papers and Proceedings. pp. 252-253. PDF: 3,936 K.
997. Archer, David W. and Russell W. Gesch. 2002. Implications of temperature-activated polymer seed coating for crop production in the northern Corn Belt. American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. 20 pp. PDF: 47 K.
1006. Archer, David W., Joseph L. Pikul Jr. and Walter E. Riedell. 2002. Economic risk, returns and input use under ridge and conventional tillage in the northern Corn Belt, USA. Soil & Tillage Research 67:1-8. PDF: 167 K.
1040. Day, D., B. Evans, J. Weifu Lee and D. Reicosky. 2002. The development of a slow-release sequestering fertilizer, by an integrated process of hydrogen production from biomass, and the direct sequestration of fossil fuel CO2 emissions. p. 161. In: Proc. USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Raleigh, NC, 19-21, November 2002. PDF: 5135 K.
1027. Ekeleme, Friday, Frank Forcella, David Archer, and David Chikoye. 2002. Weed seedling emergence and microclimate in a tropical environment. North Central Weed Science Society Abstracts 57:125. PDF: 12 K.
1013. Euliss, N.H., Jr., R.A. Gleason, A. Olness, R.L. McDougal, H.R. Murkin, R.D. Robarts, R.A. Bourbonniere and B.G. Warner. 2002. Prairie wetlands of North America important for carbon storage. Proc. Prairie Wetland Carbon Research Mtg., Jamestown, ND, 15-16 May, 2002. p. 6. PDF: 5,102 K.
1038. Euliss, Jr., Ned H., R.A. Gleason, A. Olness, RL. McDougal, H.R. Murkin, R.D. Robarts, R.A. Bourbonniere, B.G. Warner. 2002. Prairie Wetlands of North America Important for Carbon Storage. USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions. P. 67. PDF: 5,257 K.
1028. Forcella, Frank. 2002. Weed escapes and diversity in glyphosate-tolerant soybean: Trends along a transect from Minnesota to Louisiana. North Central Weed Science Society Abstracts 57:178. PDF: 15 K.
1014. Gesch, Russ W., Nancy W. Barbour, Frank Forcella and Ward B. Voorhees. 2002. Cuphea growth and development: Responses to temperature. pp. 213-215, In: Jules Janick and Anna Whipkey (Eds), Trends in New Crops and New Uses, Proceedings of the Fifth National Symposium. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA. PDF: 3,305 K.
1012. Gesch, Russ W., Frank Forcella, Nancy Barbour, Bliss Phillips and Ward B. Voorhees. 2002. Yield and growth response of Cuphea to sowing date. Crop Science 42(6): 1959-1965. PDF: 115 K.
1032. Gesch, Russ W., Frank Forcella and Brenton Sharratt. 2002. Harvest date and method for Cuphea in the northern Corn Belt. The Association for Advancement of Industrial Crops Annual Meeting. Abstract. p. 10. PDF: 1,208 K.
1034. Gesch, R.W., Il-Ho Kang, Maria Gallo-Meagher, Kenneth J. Boote, Joseph C.V. Vu, L.H. Allen, Jr. 2002. Photosynthetic adjustments in two rice ecotypes to high growth CO2 and temperature. Heightened Frontiers in Plant Biology, Plant Biology Abstract. p. 137. PDF: 4,938 K.
993. Gesch, R.W., J.C.V. Vu, K.J. Boote, L. Hartwell Allen, Jr. and G. Bowes. 2002. Sucrose-phosphate synthase activity in mature rice leaves following changes in growth CO2 is unrelated to sucrose pool size. New Phytologist 154:77-84. PDF: 573 K.
1130. Grundy, A.C., N.C.B. Peters, I.A. Rasmussen, K.M. Hartmann, M. Sattin, L. Andersson, A. Mead, A.J. Murdock and F. Forcella. 2002. Emergence of Chenopodium album and Stellaria media under different climatic conditions. Proc. European Weed Res. Soc. Symp. Reading, UK. p. 5-6.
1029. Hennen, Susan, Julio Scursoni, Frank Forcella, and Jeff Gunsolus. 2002. Delayed weed emergence and escape from control in glyphosate-tolerant soybean. North Central Weed Science Society Abstracts. 57:126. PDF: 10 K.
1118. Ibekwe, A.M., A.C. Kennedy, P.S. Frohne, S.K. Papiernik, C.-H. Yang and D.E. Crowley. 2002. Microbial diversity along a transect of agronomic zones. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 39:183-191. PDF: 285 K.
1107. Jaradat, A.A. 2002. Agriculture in Iraq: Resources, potentials, constraints, and research needs and priorities. Department of State, Middle East Working Group on Agriculture (Oct. 5-6, 2002, Washington, D.C.). 83 pp. PDF: 2,292 K.
1109. Jaradat, A.A., M.A. Shahed, and A. Al Maskri. 2002. The Omani barley landrace Bahtini I. Variability for salt tolerance. Agron. Abst. C08-jaradat112412-oral. [CD-ROM computer file]
1108. Jaradat, A.A., M.A. Shahed, and A. Al Maskri, 2002. The Omani barley landrace Bahtini. II. Diversity of isozyme markers. Agron. Abst. C08-jaradat114048-oral. [CD-ROM computer file]
1084. Jensen, R.K., D. Archer and F. Forcella. 2002. Modelling shoot emergence of Canada thistle based on day degrees. DFJ Rapport. 64:129-135. (in Danish)
1002. Johnson, Jane M-F and N.W. Barbour. 2002. Biochemical composition and decomposition among several C3 and C4 species. American Society of Plant Biology Annual Meeting. Denver CO. August 3-7, 2002.
1192. Johnson, J.M-F and N.W. Barbour. 2002. Residue composition and decomposition of shoots and roots among C3 and C4 species. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. S03-johnson143205-Poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI.
1179. Johnson, J.M-F, D. Reicosky, M. Lindstrom, B. Sharratt, and W. Voorhees. 2002. Residue of corn stover ethanol production as a soil amendment. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. S03-johnson134523-Poster [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI.
1252. Lachnicht, S.L., P.F. Hendrix and X. Zou. 2002. Interactive effects of native and exotic earthworms on resource use and nutrient mineralization in a tropical wet forest soil of Puerto Rico. Biol Fertil. Soils 36:43-52.
1005. Lindstrom, Michael J. 2002. Tillage erosion, description and process of. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. pp 1324 - 1326. PDF: 6,157 K.
1043. Lobb, D.A., D.L. Burton, M.J. Lindstrom and D.C. Reicosky. 2002. Impacts of soil erosion on the production and emission of greenhouse gases and carbon sequestration in the Canadian prairies. In: C.A.S. Smith, (ed.) Soil Organic Carbon and Agriculture: Developing Indicators for Policy Analyses. Proc. OECD expert meeting. Ottawa, Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris. pp. 235-244. PDF: 8,735 K.
1001. Olness, Alan and David Archer. 2002. A general description of the contribution of organic carbon to soil water holding capacity. 205h Anniversary Conference of International Humic Substances Society. Abstract. P. 162. PDF: 2,105 K.
989. Olness, Alan and David Archer. 2002. Using GEMLS to describe the contribution of organic carbon to soil water holding capacity. The Third Annual Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Soils and Water. p. 17. PDF: 2,332 K.
990. Olness, Alan, D.W. Archer, R. W. Gesch and J. Rinke. 2002. Resin-extractable phosphorus, vanadium, calcium and magnesium as factors in maize (Zea mays L.) yield. J. Agronomy & Crop Science 188: 94-101. PDF: 530 K.
991. Olness, Alan, N.T. Basta and Jana Rinke. 2002. Redox effects on resin extraction of herbicides from soil. Talanta 57: 383-391. PDF: 155 K.
1020. Olness, Alan, N.H. Euliss, Jr., and R.A. Gleason. 2002. Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in Northern Native and Restored Prairie Wetlands. In: Prairie Wetland Carbon Research Meeting. Jamestown, ND, 15-16 May, 2002. p. 5 PDF: 3,324 K.
1004. Olness, A., B. Kunze, M. Lieser, H. Weiser and J. Rinke. 2002. Precision chemical analysis of soils to support precision management decisions. pp. 546-553. In: Trans. 17th World Congress Soil Sci. August 14-21, 2002. Bangkok, Thailand. PDF: 5,291 K.
998. Olness, A.E., M. Lieser, B. Kunze, H. Weiser and J. Rinke. 2002. Assessing active inorganic chemical variability of soils and resin extraction. 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management. Abstract p. 19. PDF: 5,587 K.
983. Olness, Alan, Diane Lopez, Jason Cordes, Colin Sweeney, Neil Mattson and W.B. Voorhees. 2002. Application of a management decision aid for sequestration of carbon and nitrogen in soil. Chapter 23 In: J.M. Kimble, R. Lal and R.F. Follett, (eds.) Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil. pp. 245-253. PDF: 1495 K.
1140. Papiernik. S.K., F.F. Ernst, and S.R. Yates. 2002. An apparatus for measuring the gas permeability of films. J. Environ. Qual. 31:358-361. PDF: 5,135 K.
1138. Papiernik, S.K., J. Gan, and S.R. Yates. 2002. Characterization of propargyl bromide transformation in soil. Pest Manag. Sci. 58:1055-1062. PDF: 131 K.
1152. Papiernik, S.K., J. Gan, and S.R. Yates. 2002. Processes governing transport of organic solutes. p. 1451-1479 In: J. H. Dane and G. C. Topp (eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4, Physical Methods. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. (Peer-reviewed book chapter)
1139. Papiernik, S.K. and S. R. Yates. 2002. Effect of environmental conditions of the permeability of high density polyethylene film to fumigant vapors. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36:1833-1838. PDF: 76 K.
1030. Peterson, Dean, Julio Scursoni and Frank Forcella. 2002. Weed diversity and yield in glyphosate-tolerant soybean from Minnesota to Louisiana. North Central Weed Science Society Abstracts 57:129. PDF: 13 K.
1003. Ray, J.D., R.W. Gesch, T.R. Sinclair, L.H. Allen. 2002. The effect of vapor pressure deficit on maize transpiration response to a drying soil. Plant and Soil 239:113-121. PDF: 336 K.
1180. Reicosky, D.C. 2002. Conservation agriculture: Environmental benefits of reduced tillage and soil carbon management in water limited areas. In: Proc. Int'l Workshop on Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Wheat Production in Rotation with Cotton in Limited Water Resource Areas, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. October 14-18, 2002. 6 pp.
996. Reicosky, D.C. 2002. Conservation agriculture: Global environmental benefits of soil carbon management. pp. 17-25 In: Dave McKinnon and Mark Hamilton-Manns (eds). Proceedings of the Monsanto Conservation Agriculture Seminars. PDF: 8,842 K.
1018. Reicosky, D.C. 2002. Intensive tillage as a mechanism for CO2 emission from soils. International Workshop on Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Wheat Production in Rotation with Cotton in Limited Water Resource Areas. 5 pages. PDF: 7,464 K.
984. Reicosky, D.C. 2002. Long-term effect of moldboard plowing on tillage-induced CO2 loss. Chapter 8 In: J.M. Kimble, R. Lal and R.F. Follett, (eds.) Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil. pp. 87-97. PDF: 2,254 K.
1007. Reicosky, D.C. 2002. Tillage and gas exchange. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. pp. 1333-1335. PDF: 4,917 K.
1019. Reicosky, Donald. 2002. Conservation agriculture: Environmental benefits of reduced tillage and soil carbon management in water limited areas. International Workshop on Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Wheat Production in Rotation with Cotton in Limited Water Resource Areas. 6 pages. PDF: 7,846 K.
1011. Reicosky, D.C., S.D. Evans, C.A. Cambardella, R.R. Allmaras, A.R. Wilts and D.R. Huggins. 2002. Continuous corn with moldboard tillage: Residue and fertility effects on soil carbon. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 57 (5): 277-284. PDF: 9,834 K.
1261 Reicosky, D.C., R.A. Gilbert, D.R. Morris and R.W. Gesch. 2002. Tillage and wind effects on CO2 concentrations in muck soils. American Society of Agronomy Abstract. S01-reicosky134348-Oral [CD-ROM computer file] ASA, Madison, WI.
1180. Reicosky, D.C., M.J. Lindstrom, T.E. Schumacher and D.E. Lobb. 2002. Tillage-induced CO2 loss across a landscape after 30 years of intensive tillage. In: Theoretical Developments and Applications of Spatial Analysis in the Environmental, Earth and Agricultural Sciences. Reading, UK. 1 p.
1039. Reicosky, D.C., M.J. Lindstrom, T.E. Schumacher and D.E. Lobb. 2002. Tillage-induced variation in terrestrial carbon stocks and CO2 loss across an eroded landscape. p. 125. In: Proc. USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Raleigh, NC. November 19-21, 2002. PDF: 5,168 K.
1008. Retrum, Julie and Frank Forcella. 2002. Giant foxtail (Seteria faberi) seedling assay for resistance to sethoxydim. Weed Technology 16:464-466. PDF: 3,361 K.
985. Sharratt, B.S. 2002. Corn stubble height and residue placement in the northern US Corn Belt. Part I. Soil physical environment during winter. Soil and Tillage Research 64: 243-252. PDF: 130 K.
987. Sharratt, B.S. 2002. Corn stubble height and residue placement in the northern US Corn Belt. Part II. Spring microclimate and wheat development. Soil and Tillage Research 64: 253-261. PDF: 139 K.
999. Sharratt, Brenton S. 2002. Thermal environment of seasonally frozen soil affected by crop and soil management. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. pp 1321-1323. PDF: 3,806 K.
1015. Sharratt, Brenton and Russell W. Gesch. 2002. Rooting characteristics and water requirements of cuphea. pp. 216-218, In: Jules Janick and Anna Whipkey (eds), Trends in New Crops and New Uses, Proceedings of the Fifth National Symposium. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA. PDF: 3,708 K.
1022. Sharratt, Brenton, Kip Sander and Dennis Tierney. 2002. Fate of autumn-applied metolachlor in a clay loam in the northern U.S. Corn Belt. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B - Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. Vol B38 (1) pp 37-48. PDF: 8,950 K.
1000. Skjemstad, Jan O., Donald C. Reicosky, Alan R. Wilts and Janine A. McGowan. 2002. Charcoal carbon in U.S. agricultural soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 66:1249-1255. PDF: 210 K.
1031. Uscanga-Mortera, Ebandro, Frank Forcella, and Jeff Gunsolus. 2002. Emergence date affects growth and fecundity of redroot pigweed. North Central Weed Science Society Abstracts 57:116. PDF: 12K.
1010. Walsh, Michael, Frank Forcella, David Archer and James Eklund. WEEDEM: Turning information into action. InN: H. Spafford Jacob, J. Dodd, and J.H. Moore (eds.), WEEDS: "Threats Now & Forever?", 13th Australian Weeds Conference Papers and Proceedings. pp. 446-449. PDF: 4,078 K.
1117. Yates, S.R., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik, R. Dungan and D. Wang. 2002. Reducing fumigant emissions after soil application. Phytopathology 92:1344-1348. PDF: 1232 K.
1141. Yates, S.R., D. Wang, S.K. Papiernik, and J. Gan. 2002. Predicting pesticide volatilization from soils. Environmentrics 13:569-578. PDF: 118 K.
1016. Zhang, J., G. Tian, Y. Li, and M. Lindstrom. 2002. Requirements for success of reforestation projects in a semiarid low-mountain region of the Jinsha River Basin, Southwestern China. Land Degradation and Development 13:395-401. PDF: 88 K.