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USDA's 150th Anniversary
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In April 2012, the Center for Grain and Animal Health Research (CGAHR) hosted a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the creation of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). President Lincoln signed legislation creating "the People's Department" in May 1862.  CGAHR is part of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), one of seven USDA agencies in Kansas that organized the celebration. The celebration was held in conjunction with Hard Winter Wheat Quality's 75th Anniversary and completion of their new milling lab.  The newly constructed Wind Erosion Research Laboratory was part of the festivities where more than 300 people turned out to hear USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, Senator Pat Roberts, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, and Kansas State University President Kirk Schulz speak at the event. Below are photos of the event including a ribbon-cutting dedication of the facilities.

photos by Scott Bean - USDA-ARS 
Final preparations for the event.USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and Kansas U.S. Senator Pat Roberts perform the ribbon cutting ceremony for new Wind Erosion Research Facility. 

Natural Resources Conservation Service display. USDA Farm Services display. 
 Dr. Tom Hearld - Research Leader with Grain Quality Structure. USDA 150 Years and Counting!Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Unit's research leader Bob Bowden discussing research.

More than 300 guests gather for speeches inside the new Wind Erosion facility.  

USDAs Edward Knipling introduces Kansas State University President Dr. Kirk Shultz

Kansas' U.S. Senator Pat Roberts 

 Kansas' U.S. Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins