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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Byron, Georgia » Fruit and Tree Nut Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #284322

Title: GulfSnow Peach

item Beckman, Thomas
item CHAPARRO, JOSE - University Of Florida
item CONNER, PATRICK - University Of Georgia

Submitted to: HortScience
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/8/2012
Publication Date: 1/28/2013
Citation: Beckman, T.G., Chaparro, J.X., Conner, P.J. 2013. GulfSnow Peach. HortScience. 48:126-127.

Interpretive Summary: Traditional peach varieties utilized in the early season fresh market peach shipping industry of the southeastern United States are no longer suitable for profitable commercial production. Peach germplasm is needed with superior fruit quality, including non-melting flesh, high soluble solids, balanced acidity and fragrance in addition to desirable traits such as high red blush, attractive ground color, round fruit shape and large size. GulfSnow peach was jointly developed and released by the USDA-ARS, the University of Georgia and the University of Florida to provide an attractive, mid-season ripening, non-melting, white-fleshed peach for the fresh-market shipping industry. GulfSnow is adapted to moderate-chilling areas such as the lower coastal plain of the southeastern United States. GulfSnow ripens about one week after June Gold peach when it has no other white-fleshed competition in this production area. Best adaptation will be in areas where Flordaking peach and Sunlite nectarine have proven reliable. Trees of GulfSnow produce a large, attractive, sweet tasting, non-melting, white-fleshed fruit intended for the fresh fruit market. It is expected to produce fruit with tree-ripened aroma and taste while retaining firmness for longer shelf life than fruit from conventional melting-flesh cultivars.

Technical Abstract: GulfSnow peach is jointly released for grower trial by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (Byron, GA), Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station and Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. GulfSnow was previously tested as AP06-09W and originated from a cross of AP98-30 x AP99-20W. Both parents are unreleased selections and are of complex origin. GulfSnow has an estimated winter chilling requirement (hours below 7 C) of 400 hours and typically blooms just before Sunlite nectarine in southwest Georgia. Flowers are large, showy, pink and self-fertile. Leaves have small globose glands. GulfSnow ripens ca. 110 days after full bloom, typically about one week after June Gold peach. Fruit are clingstone when soft ripe. Flesh is non-melting and white, with some red pigmentation within the flesh, particularly on the sun exposed side of the fruit. There is typically little or no red pigmentation at the pit cavity. The pit itself is red. Flesh is firm with good sweetness and does not brown readily on bruised or cut surfaces. Pits are medium small and have little tendency to split even when crop loads are low. Chief advantages of GulfSnow are its ripening season, between June Gold and Suwanee, when it has no competition from other white-flesh peaches in this production area, large size, attractive appearance, eating quality, exceptional firmness and low incidence of split pits. Best adaptation would be for areas and sites where Flordaking peach and Sunlite nectarine have proven reliable in production.