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Title: Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Several Nitrogen Sources Applied To A Strip-Tilled Corn Field

item Halvorson, Ardell
item Del Grosso, Stephen - Steve
item JANTALIA, CLAUDIA - Embrapa National Research Center

Submitted to: Fluid Fertilizer Foundation Symposium Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/12/2011
Publication Date: 4/20/2011
Citation: Halvorson, A.D., Del Grosso, S.J., Jantalia, C. 2011. Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Several Nitrogen Sources Applied To A Strip-Tilled Corn Field. In Proc. of the 2011 Fluid Forum, Feb. 20-23, Scotsdale, AZ. Fluid Fertilizer Foundation, Manhattan, KS. 28:21-27.

Interpretive Summary: Nitrogen (N) fertilizer source (urea, ESN, SuperU, UAN, UAN+AgrotainPlus, UAN+Nfusion) effects on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a clay loam soil in strip-tilled (ST), irrigated continuous corn production were evaluated to determine if N source selection could be a mitigation option for reducing N2O emissions from cropping systems. Each N source was surface band applied (202 kg N/ha) near the corn row and watered into the soil the day after application, including a subsurface band application of ESN (ESNssb). Treatments included a check (no N applied) located in separate plots and a blank treatment (no N applied) located within the N source plots. With the exception of ESNssb, all N sources had significantly lower growing season N2O emissions than dry granular urea. Cumulative increases in daily N2O fluxes were more rapid for urea and UAN than the other N sources following N application. The enhanced efficiency fertilizers sources showed potential for reducing N2O emissions. Corn grain yields in 2010 did not vary among N sources, but were greater than the blank or check treatments. The data suggest that N source selection can be a mitigation tool for reducing N2O emissions in irrigated cropping systems under strip-till in the Central Great Plains. publication may be viewed at

Technical Abstract: We evaluated the effects of nitrogen (N) source on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a clay loam soil that was in strip-tilled (ST), irrigated continuous corn production in 2010 near Fort Collins, CO. Emissions were monitored from six different inorganic N fertilizer sources (urea, ESN1, SuperU, UAN, UAN+AgrotainPlus, UAN+Nfusion). Each N source was applied at a rate of 202 kg N/ha, surface band applied near the corn row and watered into the soil the day after application including a subsurface band application of ESN (ESNssb). A check treatment (no N applied since 2000) located in separate plots and a blank treatment (no N applied) located within the N source plots were included. All treatments except the check were located in plots ST in 2009 that had received 202 kg N/ha of ESN. Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured during the growing season using static, vented chambers for gas sample collection, one to three times per week, and analyzed with a gas chromatograph. With the exception of ESNssb, all N sources had significantly lower growing season N2O emissions than dry granular urea. Cumulative increases in daily N2O fluxes were more rapid for urea and UAN than the other N sources following N fertilizer application. The enhanced efficiency fertilizers (polymer-coated, stabilized, and slow release) sources showed potential for reducing N2O emissions during the 2010 growing season. Corn grain yields in 2010 were not significantly different among N sources, but greater than the blank or check treatments with no N applied. These results indicate that N source selection can be of value in reducing N2O emissions in irrigated cropping systems under strip-till in the Central Great Plains. publication may be viewed at