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item Corsini, Dennis
item Brown, Charles

Submitted to: Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/15/2001
Publication Date: 9/22/2001
Citation: Corsini, D.L., Brown, C.R. 2001. Important potato cultivars. Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Potato and Potato Seed Production. P. Berger, A.A. Brunt, G. Loebenstein, and R.H. Lawson (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands, P. 39-52.

Interpretive Summary: This book chapter is part of a book on potato viruses called "Virus and Virus like Diseases of Potatoes and Production of Seed Potatoes". The book describes important aspects of the potato crop, how viruses impact potato production, describes the viruses and virus like pathogens, and discusses control procedures, particularly seed potato production. This chapter talks about the historical aspects of potato variety development and present day varieties that are important worldwide. The use of these varieties for tablestock, chips, frozen french fries and other uses such as starch as animal feed. The relative resistance of these varieties to the major potato viruses is presented in tables. Most of the important varieties in use in the world today are susceptible to the major viruses, leafroll, virus Y, virus A, virus X and tobacco rattle virus. This necessitates costly seed production programs and extensive use of insecticides to control aphid vectors. New varieties with combined resistance are being developed, but market needs have been the overriding determinant of what varieties are grown.

Technical Abstract: There at least 1600 documented potato cultivars grown throughout the world. Most of these are grown for fresh consumption, often with livestock feed being an important secondary use. For the most part, these are grown in limited areas and meet local needs. There are, however, a group of cultivars that supply large scale market requirements, such as french fry processing and chipping. Some of these cultivars, such as Russet Burbank and Shepody for french fry production, and Atlantic for chip production, are grown in many countries. Others, such as Bintje, Desiree, Agria, Spunta, and Saturna, are widely grown in Europe and throughout the world because of their preferred culinary qualities and potential for use for both fresh consumption and for processed products. These cultivars are widely adapted but have limited disease resistance traits. Bintje has moderate resistance to leafroll virus and tobacco rattle virus, and Agria, Desiree, and Ranger Russet are resistant to virus Y, but in general these important cultivars are not noted for disease resistance, particularly to the new strains of late blight. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, and India, with about 55% of world potato acreage, primarily grow cultivars developed within their own countries; cultivars that see little or no production beyond their national boundaries. Demand for processed products worldwide may increase the importance of a relatively few cultivars and limit the tremendous diversity now grown.