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item Allan, Robert

Submitted to: Results from Cooperative Wheat Varietal Experiments in the Western Region
Publication Type: Government Publication
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/1995
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: This is a joint progress report of cooperative investigations underway in the State Agricultural Experiment Stations and Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, containing preliminary data, which have not been sufficiently confirmed to justify general release; interpretations may be modified with additional experimentation. Confirmed results will be published through established channels. The report is primarily a tool for use of cooperators and their official staffs and to those persons having direct and special interest in the development of agricultural research programs. This report includes data furnished by the State Agricultural Experiment Stations as well as by Agricultural Research Service and was compiled by Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The report is not intended for publication and should not be referred to in literature citations nor quoted in publicity or advertising. Use of the data may be granted for certain purposes upon written request to the agency or agencies involved.

Technical Abstract: Agronomic performance of wheat entries from private and public breeding programs were tested in 3 western USA regional trials. Nurseries were soft white winter (SWW), hard winter (HW), and spring (S). Results from 33 individual trials conducted in CA, ID, OR, MT, UT, WA and AT (Canada)were summarized. During the 1994 season, the conditions at most of the locations were warmer and drier than normal. Drought was a problem at several sites and diseases were generally not a factor. The SWW sites had mean yields of 48 to 152 Bu/Ac. Among 43 SWW entries 4 private hybrid wheats, 4 WA lines, 1 ID line and 1 private line had high mean yields; 6 of the 10 lines were generally adapted across the test environments. The mean yields for hard winter tests varied from 37 to 111 Bu/Ac. The 39 hard winter entries included 28 red and 11 white-grained lines. Entries with high overall yields were from UT (4), ID (2), OR (2), and Private (2). The highest yielding HWW was a private entry. Most high yielding hard winter entries were narrowly adapted. The spring entries comprised 13 SWS, 16 HRS and 6 HWS. Generally adapted high yielding lines included WA (2), OR (1), ID (1) and Private (2). Trial mean yields ranged from 26 to 114 Bu/Ac. Information on foliar diseases, rye translocation entries, and milling and baking quality is reported.