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Title: Preparation and characterization of protein isolate from glandless and glanded cottonseed

item Dowd, Michael
item Hojilla-Evangelista, Milagros - Mila

Submitted to: ACS Symposium Series
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/3/2013
Publication Date: 11/22/2013
Citation: Dowd, M.K., Hojilla-Evangelista, M.P. 2013. Preparation and characterization of protein isolate from glandless and glanded cottonseed. In: Cheng, H.N., Gross, R.A., Smith, P.B., editors. Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II. ACS Symposium Series, vol. 1144. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. p. 343-357.

Interpretive Summary: Cottonseed meals were used to prepare protein isolates that contain very high levels of protein. The isolates were studied for their compositional and functional properties. The proteins were found to have sufficient functionality to be useful for some food ingredient applications, e.g., the protein solubility was very high at acidic conditions. The results suggest that cottonseed protein fractions may be of interest for use in food development applications and processes. The work will be of interest to the cotton and food processing industries.

Technical Abstract: Protein isolates were prepared from cottonseed meals recovered from both glandless and glanded cottonseed. Isolate yield was 2.5-fold greater from the glandless meal than from the glanded meal, indicating that the gossypol in the glanded meal was likely promoting the formation of protein aggregates that were more difficult to extract. Both isolate preparations were very high in protein (>97%). Electrophoresis showed essentially identical banding in the meals and isolates, although some bands appeared to be preferentially concen¬trated in the isolates. Small shifts in the amino acid distri¬butions were apparent'the most notable being a decrease in the lysine and an increase in the arginine levels in the isolates compared with the meals. Cottonseed isolates demonstrated considerable solu¬bility in both acidic and alkaline environ¬ments. Func¬tional properties were largely within the range of typical values for protein preparations. The composition and func¬tional proper¬ties of the glandless isolates suggest that cotton¬seed proteins should be useful in food formulations.